31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1313691 - Text: Hey Kat. I am a therapist In Oklahoma. I have worked w many many teen girls, sexual abuse survivors and lots of sex offenders. I’m older now so have had a lot of years to work w different types of problems. In your video, you’re asking yourself lots of questions about why you did things as a young person. Believe me, your choices and behaviors were not unusual for a girl who felt unloved, invisible and who didn’t have an invested mother or father to value and protect you. It’s quite common for young girls to go in pursuit of what’s missing. Add puberty hormones to that mix with a developing young body and suddenly one feels power for the first time. The problem is that the world is full of traps for innocent victims as you already know. But here is one thing I hope helps you to be a little softer on yourself. Teens and young adults don’t really have the capacity to predict consequences fully until around the age of 24 yrs of age. Up until that point, young people often utilize what’s called “magical thinking”… oh I will never get pregnant, I won’t get a dui,…. These are just a couple of examples. Anyway you are super insightful and strong. I think you definitely should give therapy a shot. It’s okay if you just cry and cry. Eventually the tears will stop long enough to talk. The other thing that leads me to write this long message is that it sounds like you would really benefit just by learning and gaining helpful information to sort out some of the traumatic things you went through. Peace to you 😇

id: 1313700 - Text: What a story. I feel as though you were failed by your parents even though they probably were doing their best unfortunately. I think you are so brave for telling all you have went through. My heart goes out to you. I hope you keep healing and believe in your self. I think you should not do fans only because you are amazing and are a beautiful person not an object. I mean that as a sincerely. When I watched your video I just wished you could be my little girl and I would give you a big hug. I think you are an inspiration and have so much healing to do and I believe and pray that you will have a beautiful future and become a strong survivor. You are loved.

id: 1313707 - Text: Kat, it makes so much sense that you derive value from your physical appearance because the men in your life have made you feel that that was what was important or valuable about you. I can understand that feeling. I found a lot of healing through an online course called Personal Development School. You can look up the videos for the therapist who created it on YouTube. Her name is Thais Gibson. I think a lot of the stuff she offers would be really healing for you. Also, I know God values you greatly and is waiting to help heal your hurts. I know what it's like to have an underlying fear that people will leave, but God won't leave you and as messed up as this world is and the people in it, he wants to bring you out of the darkness of all these selfish people that have taken advantage of you. I will be praying for you. Thank you for sharing your testimony and being open about the reality of sex trafficking. That took a lot of strength. I know many people will benefit from hearing your story.

id: 1313711 - Text: We all need counseling and therapy, Melissa. If you would have watched the entire video, you would have seen her address therapy ❤

id: 1313714 - Text: This exact thing happened to me in Seattle when I was 20. This is heartbreaking to hear how similar her story is to mine. The manipulation and evil shit that goes down in this world is SCARY. There’s definitely not enough awareness around being manipulated into sex trafficking. Thank you for making this video.

id: 1313715 - Text: I just watched your video and so wish i could give you huge hug! It was never you, your fault, your clothes. You are enough, you are loved ❤

id: 1313812 - Text: Sometimes I complaint about my situation in life, but watching this videos I realize that I have had a really good and normal , even average life, some people in this world live in very hard conditions and the rest do not even notice it.

id: 1313822 - Text:  @misharamage5529  she kept going back because these guys give her stuff. she just started a onlyfans. she went in the bathtub for him to pee on her,then her mom bought her chicken fries. dont accept things from older creepy pieces of trash.i dont hear pain for about 90% of this video. she sends videos of custom content on onlyfans nd will do whatever ... nobody is making her. she says onlyfans boosted her confidence. she makes noooo sense

id: 1313880 - Text: I relate to this very deeply. I believe you ran away because your mom is a narcissist. You seemed love because your mom wasn’t giving it to you. Please watch Dr. Ramini YouTube videos. Finding out my parents were narcissistic led me to heal. I want that for you 🙏

id: 1313944 - Text: The world does suck. I'm very sorry you had to live like this so damn young. 😔. I hope your future is brighter and you have found real love. Great video Mark
