31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1313945 - Text: That’s why I have dogs, unconditional love, you will never get that anywhere else. Cry For Help By Struggle Jennings Amazing music video. People need to wake up now to many still sleeping

id: 1313967 - Text: this just breaks my heart. she seems to have such a beautiful but troubled soul, and i hope that she finally gets the peace she deserves. it's horrible that these things happen far too often, and we need more of these videos to allow the victims' voices to be heard.

id: 1313992 - Text: The biggest takeaway from all of these videos is that shitty parenting ruins lives, and there's a ton of shitty parenting going on.

id: 1314071 - Text: I really wanted to watch this whole video but I can't concentrate when every second word is "like.. like like" From the part i did manage to watch, I really feel for her.

id: 1314117 - Text: First of all, bless you Kat! Thank you so much for sharing your story! Real life experiences of this type of crime happen in a blink of an eye. For all survivors out there: you are heard. It breaks my heart to hear just how much she saw and went through to the point of some harsh things being talked about in a numb way, which shows you just how much it happened for her to get used to it. I so wished I could hug you during this video. I've never commented on a public channel in my life, but I just had to say how much I appreciate this channel and the man who does the interviews. No judgment, no harshness , just pure understanding and acceptance. Please keep up the good work! - Fellow Assault Survivor

id: 1314127 - Text: This video really made me appreciate my mom. She wasn't perfect but when I was younger as a child we were close and I knew no matter where my dad was or how he felt about me, she did love me. One time I was 11 yrs old and I was living with my mom and siblings, they were younger. One day my mom and I got into a fight, probably about my dad, and I ran away. She actually called the cops and I was placed on a teenage runaway list at 11 yrs old. But I'm glad the cops did find me because they brought me home and I realized my mom cared more than I realized and I never did run away again. She probably spared me from a lot of experiences I could have had if she hadn't actually cared to find me. Love her for that.

id: 1314133 - Text: I would love more of these videos , less glorifying of the traffickers and pumps and more about the victims , be part of the solution not the problem

id: 1314170 - Text: This video made me sooo sad. I really hope she and her family will be ok

id: 1314198 - Text: You need a video of all of her tattoo meanings I've thought this of more of your subjects The tattoos are so interesting

id: 1314247 - Text: Kat hope that you are well and thank you for doing this video. I think that it will help some one .
