31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1314280 - Text: Yeah, if you’d bother to watch the entire video, Natalia, you would see her address therapy and counseling 👍

id: 1314337 - Text:  @ObeseCaligula  Imagine watching a video of a woman who is human trafficking survivor but you get upset at "some men can be real arseholes" in YouTube comments. You snowflake manlet lol. Bruv, isn't it time for you to get triggered over Captain Marvel or the imaginary feminism taking away your video games and toys? You're a stunning and brave manlet here Bobbydrago. Kat from the video sends you her prayers. We're done here now. No more responses from me or anyone else now, incel. Stay away from guns.

id: 1314356 - Text: Why is the word: "LIKE" used a million times in all these videos? Wow! ''LIKE'' IS ALL I CAN HEAR.

id: 1314410 - Text: Now you have to get over it completely. Creating a new you. Watch dr. Joe Dispenza's videos and give it a shot. You have done nothing wrong but, this all happened for you to learn certain hard lessons on what not to do. Changing to wonderful is doable! Godspeed!

id: 1314425 - Text: man, this video reminds me of that popular quote: "If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back." God bless this incredibly strong woman.

id: 1314467 - Text: My heart breaks for this woman. It seems she never had a fighting chance from the beginning. She is betrayed at every turn. No one to trust. I feel awful for her situation. Keep making videos like this - more attention needs to be brought to this heinous crime and it needs to be stopped

id: 1314479 - Text: Your voice is so powerful, Kat. From such a short video, I can feel your power. I can also feel your gentle soul and your damaged spirit. You have overcome so much. Someone with less strength would not have survived and definitely would not have persevered. You've made it through with so very little emotional support. You are woman! I want to hear you ROAR! Good luck, baby. I'm rooting for you!

id: 1314546 - Text: you are such a good person, just seeing you in this video i can feel it because of how you make my heart feel warmth. it was NEVR your fault , pls know tht in your heart. you deserve the world and more and youre also beautiful pls feel nothing less !

id: 1314570 - Text: This is my first time watching one of your videos - the first disturbing comment with this woman Kat on this video, was her laughing after she said (guys would shoot her with piss??) and then laughed again? This is a disturbed girl. Toward the very end, this girl still works selling and exploiting her body and doesn't say once she got real professional help for what is insurmountable TRAUMA and ABUSE. Why isn't anyone giving her this help?? She will never heal unless she gets help! A fans only page - really? That's her answer to being a mother who pays her bills? Unfathomable, this whole story. It should end with her getting HELP!!!! Tragic all the way around. Filmers here should have done MUCH MORE for her!!!! SHAMEFUL.

id: 1314571 - Text: We all know YT isn't going to allow monetization on this video... Make sure you support Mark for making content like this (you know how). Thanks for doing what you do, Mark!
