31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1314595 - Text: Parents came from an Appalachian small city, Dad was a Navy man so by the time I came along the family had transplanted to Norfolk, Va., a mid-sized integrated town. Early in the video I heard her say she had always been attracted to black guys and I had a good idea of what would follow. Growing up I saw white female classmates who seemed to enjoy the attention of black boys, it was very sexualized attention that the boys would do right out in the open. I'd see those same girls when they'd be in their early 20's and they looked aged beyond their years. White male classmates would see what was happening and have nothing to do with those girls, and since the white girls who kept their distance from the black boys had their choice of the white boys. We also had cousins from the country visit every summer, the girls were pretty and feminine so we knew that the junior pimps in training would be all over them. We had a well rehearsed short talk prepared about walking to a convenience store alone or giving out phone numbers and last names.

id: 1314637 - Text: Ok Bern wTchomg these videos s an well can't text well but try mid central like minnesota n get a story that true.. true me I have a story. This is to real to me.

id: 1314705 - Text: These videos should be shown in high school.

id: 1314708 - Text: This video makes black people look really bad. Now I see why so many people are afraid of black people in America. I don't know anything about Detroit, but this is embarrassing. Just being a young white girl they actually targeted her that way? I lived in NYC all my life, and I never seen white girl's targeted like that. This is crazy.

id: 1314754 - Text: I think I am in love with her right now and I am so thankful for watching this video it made me realize too many things about myself.. thank you kat.. you are beautiful you are beautiful inside and out and you should know that

id: 1314856 - Text: This video is horrible PR for “black guys.” I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing that she blames some of this on herself, otherwise she makes it sound like an entire race of men are evil.

id: 1314941 - Text: Kat, if you ever see the comments here, I want you to know that even through a video, it is clear that you are a kind, caring, gentle soul. You are worth more than you know. I hope that you are able to continue to heal. You deserve the world and more on a silver platter for all that you have been through. It moves me to know that you are still giving your best for you and your children. You are a force for good because of your strength and perseverance. You are stunning, inside and out. I hope that one day life will spoil and bless you with every good thing imaginable. Thank you for your willingness to share. Your story will give others hope and give all of us out here that complain something serious to think about when we think our lives are tough. The world is weak compared to you! The world needs more people like you!

id: 1314960 - Text: Kat, the biggest takeaway i got from watching your video, is what an amazing mother you are to your babies, and how lucky they are to have a mother who sees them, cares for their overall wellbeing, and won't give up on them. Thank you for taking the time to make this

id: 1314993 - Text: UnF*ck Your Brain, is such a good podcast to uncover and help you understand the things that go on in our heads. Especially if therapy hasn’t worked. Everyone can benefit from the things that are discussed. Including issues with socialization that are mentioned throughout this video. I am a survivor of rape and thought it would always be an issue for me but through talking about it and doing thought work, I have risen above it. I now know that I am not to blame for any of it. I hope, with time and love and kindness, she can rise above her pain, her guilt and shame, because the adults in those situations are to blame. Stay strong and hold your head high, because you are deserving of love and happiness!

id: 1314997 - Text: Francine Rivers wrote a book “Redeeming Love” that touches ,quite nicely or awful ,however you might see it . I would suggest a good read of this book ,if this video touched you !
