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id: 1315019 - Text: I just learned of Mark Laita and his interviews on the Joe Rogan podcast. I decided to view some of the videos. As serendipity would have it, this first video of Kit, was a person who was literally “down the road” from me. I watch most of my movies at a theater in Southgate. I also participate in supporting an organization named “Exodus Cry”. Exodus Cry has been going after the pornography industry and exposing its link to human trafficking. I know that Detroit is a major hub for trafficking so I shouldn’t be surprised that a story so close to home quickly came to light. Exodus Cry helps women and kids coming out of the sex industry by providing support and counseling services. Kit, there is actually hope for you and people ready to stand with you when you’re ready to leave that world. I hope Mark’s video proves to be an avenue to freedom and restoration for you.

id: 1315095 - Text: This video brings up a WHOLE lot of things people don’t want to acknowledge. Like, for instance: race plays a big part in this. Black men pimping white women? How many white men pimp black women? I’ll tell you: almost NONE! I’m not being racist. I’m just stating fact. I was a heroin addict for years, living hand to mouth right next to women like this. It reminds me of the Trumpian lie of wanting to “put drug dealers to death” - guess what? Every drug dealer is an addict, and every addict deals drugs ON SOME LEVEL. And as long as we have people so ignorant as to think TRUMP is a “smart” or “good” man, or that Liberals won’t admit the black/white cultural divide isn’t REAL? The problem exists on both sides, Right & Left. The ignorance pervades all sides of the political spectrum.

id: 1315104 - Text: Mark, I don't usually comment on these videos. Language and how we use language is important. Minute 29:15 when you asked the question "how long did you work as a sex worker/prostitute" implies that Kat voluntarily chose this line of work rather than enslaved and trafficked as a child through threats of violence, being drugged and being taken advantage of. A more sensitive way to phrase the question is "how long were you trafficked"? which puts the onus on the traffickers rather than Kat as a victim/survivor.

id: 1315107 - Text: You KNOW what you just heard. Lemme ask you: how many of these videos show BLACK WOMEN being trafficked by WHITE MEN? I’ll tell you: NONE. Race plays a HUGE PART of the American experience. I’m not saying one is good and one is bad, I’m just saying we have HUGE OPEN WOUNDS in this country, emanating from how we were founded: stealing a continent from its indigenous owners whilst trafficking millions of slaves to makes its new owners wealthy beyond anyone’s wildest dreams.

id: 1315110 - Text: Yes. But let’s not forget what race plays in all this. How many of these videos show WHITE PIMPS with BLACK WOMEN prostitutes? This is a cultural problem too. The white and black divide (dating back hundreds of years) is an unresolved open wound that’s never been addressed. She is to blame, but so are the black men who victimize white girls.

id: 1315115 - Text: Young teen girls should watch this video save yourself before you runaway. Certain types of men look for runaway girls and turn them into prostitutes 💰

id: 1315213 - Text: Thank you for this video. Kat, thank you for sharing your story. And if nobody has told you, I want to let you know that it’s not your fault.

id: 1315257 - Text: Mark, you need to hug all your patients at the end of the videos, maybe don't show it on the video but all therapy without a hug is pointless, everything we need is a hug! keep doing your thing! best wishes

id: 1315276 - Text: Idk if it would work but i had this idea to use the money from this youtube video to help pay for therapy or resources for the people you're interviewing if they want to. Btw thank you so much for this channel

id: 1315285 - Text: I always go back and forth with these videos. On one hand I appreciate the perspective of other individuals. Part of me needs to hear that it is not just me, that other people go through things like I do. I tell myself to suck it up, other people have it worse. On the other hand, is it right to post these individuals on YouTube. I know they are adults and are aware they are being recorded; I believe a fair amount are getting paid for their time, and probably use the payment in furtherance of negative vices. So I wonder if their choice to participate is truly their own or is it someone on hard times who is being exploited to tell their darkest secrets to the world, for a breath, of warmth.
