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id: 1315294 - Text: Girl, NONE of this was your fault! Please know that. Do not take responsability for pedophiles. There are so many issues interconnected in these situations, and it seems like this was your case too. As a social worker student I have been learning a lot in my journey, and one thing I recently learnt is that human trafficking is nothing like it is portrayed in movies. Society needs to be educated about this, thanks for this video Mark.

id: 1315299 - Text: This video is different in allot of ways because I'm watching more of a counseling session instead of a future train wreck. She is self aware and is a thoughtful parent. She will make it.

id: 1315418 - Text:  @Jess-kl3uy  thank you , I was really hoping someone would read that comment and agree with me, there has been a quite a few videos that Mark has had some nerve to ask some pretty rude comments or he’s rudely commented, he needs to be called out for it.

id: 1315503 - Text: I’m only at 40 min but I love this video. I haven’t been through that severe of events (idk if I said that right) but I’ve been through similar and i resígnate so much with her. I just want to hug and hold her for awhile. I’m glad to see her here and doing okay (as good as she can)

id: 1315616 - Text: I'm heartbroken by this interview. Your videos are so important for the world to see but I can't watch anymore. Of all the heinous things that were talked about by this brave person - I was so deeply saddened by the simple thing she said regarding how she would ask her mom to sit with her in the Livingroom but she never would.... I mean just simple things... basic love and attention. I hope Kat knows or learns that she had done Absolutely nothing wrong and she did Not bring anything upon herself as her mother had insinuated.

id: 1315629 - Text: This right here hurt me she was a baby being abused by older males… it’s really sad because a lot of married males do this by watching these videos it makes me understand how sick males really are and how under-protected young women and children are it hurts my soul so bad 😢

id: 1315643 - Text: Why would you fucking ask what lesson there is to be learned from her experience? Did you not listen to her? She was already blamed by her mother for the clothes she wore, she is very clearly traumatized after what she has been through UNDERSTANDABLY and your turning the table on her to take accountability for something that was DONE TO HER? Why do you continue to make these videos if you don't understand basic psychology and basic understanding of these social issues. I am really disgusted by your interviews.. what did YOU learn after hearing her story? I'd hope you learned how sinister and pervasive the issue is of MEN PEDOPHILIA and the overall disgusting behavior of MEN that continue to ignite the violence and abuse of women. Figure it out. You are part of the problem.

id: 1315734 - Text: I just want to say thank you for being a dad that values your daughter. I believe many of these girls like this lady in video are so vulnerable because of lack of a father's love and guidance and being cherished by your dad. My exes steep dad I considered my father but he came into my life at 18. I was already fucked up. Damage done. However he is my standard for having a man in my life and I'm learning it's just not possible. My whole life since 4 yrs old all men have wanted from me is sex. I'm sorry I have over shared here but really just thankyou for giving your daughter a fighting chance in this crazy, dark, scarey world. God bless you

id: 1315767 - Text: Man... Heavy stuff.... And the worst part I would think is the guilt/blame she's putting on herself... I don't know if this'll ever get back to you; but it wasn't your fault Kat, you can't make anybody else's decisions for them. Everyone is in charge of their own decisions, and how they affect other people... I wish I could say something to help you not feel so alone.. definitely can understand what it's like to have a less than positive view of oneself :' ( nobody should ever have to feel that way... To bad I'm not in long Beach, I'd come give you a big hug lol if that would help, ik I appreciate hugs when I'm down. Well; even if this doesn't get back to you, I still want to say that even through all the s*** you've been through you came out a beautiful person, inside and out... From what I can tell off a YouTube video at least lol hope you can find your peace and closure; because good people deserve their break, and Im just gonna throw it out there but you're a good person. : )

id: 1315778 - Text: Yes the big issue in this country is the Satanists and what they do to the children with their blood and then put the body parts in our fast food industry. And the good guys have been trying to stop them from putting the bodies in our grocery meats, that's why the Meat Processing plants were being blown up out west. Satanists will say they're not cannibals , because they actually aren't, but the blood drinkers are despicable. And they do tell you exactly what they're going to do. And they spite the parents by feeding their missing children right back to them if they are eating fast food . And the fact that they have found children's teeth and body parts in the fast food meats especially McDonald's and Burger king, which were created as a cover-up for the satanist, the same as planned parenthood . That's why our past president made going after the sex traffickers one of his biggest agendas but they never could speak about it because they don't want the masses to catch on that it's right under their nose. It all made sense as to why girls bodies were so different in the 90s than they were in the '80s..when I even worked at those places. The Elite/Deep State make subtle changes and sneak things in while they distract the masses from what's truly going on. It's nothing new. I can't imagine having children, let alone daughters. What they do, especially the satanists in government, like the clintons, like blindfolding and torturing the children and chasing them like foxes and skinning them so that they can drink their blood when they are in their most fearful state and full of adrenaline ... and for decades, all the children that were sex trafficked had the same stories in regards to the satanic rituals, and this was before internet even came out.. the videos and all the satanic references are right in front of our eyes, especially disney, which is what happens in the tunnels underneath, they distract you with prettiness above to avoid seeing what is beneath, you can find those videos all over Telegram, and YouTube they're not hidden at all, they just know people don't want to see them so they won't look for them, so you can't say that those sickos are not being honest, because they actually are speaking the truth. They just count on people thinking that it sounds crazy, and that's how they've always gotten away with it
