31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1315853 - Text: This is exactly what needs to be public thank you!!! I need to reach out to you I am scared to fully share my own experience but your videos give me real peace I’m not alone .. these people grooming so many and the games they play

id: 1315857 - Text: This is your best video,she is so amazing!!

id: 1315872 - Text: Kat I admire and so respect you’re honesty in sharing the way you do about you’re life. I’m so sorry that any young person has to go through what you did. What’s amazing is that no matter what has happened to you, I believe you are helping to give a voice to all those other unknown young girls and boys who will never be heard. You deserved so much more and I wish I had an answer as to why you went through what you did?? Be it parents, family, teachers or friends it seems there was no one there to “look out for you”. NONE OF THE PAIN YOU HAVE ENDURED WAS YOUR FAULT!! What I do know is that your bravery is nothing short of astounding. What you are doing to raise awareness in child trafficking is a credit to your character and the strength of you’re soul. Just maybe something really good can come out of your life experiences. This video alone is an incredible testament to YOU!! These incidences and stories you share are traumatic just to listen too. This is in light of the fact that these things actually happened to you!! You were demeaned and devalued to a level most human beings cannot begin to fathom or indeed imagine. You can’t get back you’re past but you can reclaim and seize the day. There’s is light and meaning in the darkest corners and you are proof of this. No matter what you’re inner light still shines and I wish you nothing but the best in continuing to move on. Keep on keeping on. 🙏❤️.x

id: 1315874 - Text: Hey Mark what editing software do you use you make videos so fast it's amazing

id: 1315949 - Text: Hearing her story freaking sucks!! Yes I empathize with her but what it really makes me feel is rage that there are people in this world who can do this to kids, which is what she was at the time. Ill finish this video later when some of the anger has bled off. Men are supposed to protect kids not freaking rape them and sell them to other sick SOBs

id: 1316015 - Text: I really appreciate this video - And - I am concerned about the use of the term "Human Trafficking" in the context of her story. I feel like what this does is to conflate being prostituted or being pimped, with "Human Trafficking". And really, they aren't the same thing, or at least not in my understanding of these terms. It feels accurate to say that she was under the psychological control and manipulation of a dangerous Pimp. And understanding the coercive psychological mind control of a pimp, using underdeveloped, underage teenage girls and coercing them into non-consensual prostitution and rape is appalling beyond comprehension. But my understanding is that "Human Trafficking" is more along the lines of the exploitation of slavery, and forcibly removing people or outright stealing and/or kidnapping people from their homeland and relocating them to do forced labor, under threat of violence or under some type of indentured servitude manipulation. Being pimped is not exactly the same thing, although they both rely on similar forms of psychological abuse and manipulation.

id: 1316038 - Text: You should think a bit more critically about why child predators do not get caught nearly as much as regular predators, because it will answer your question. If watching this video was your closest connection to childhood sexual assault, just ask any women in your family or friends about their own stories… maybe from here you may begin to develop a good understanding on power dynamics and how little girls are taught to behave in society

id: 1316057 - Text: “I was always attracted to black guys.” End of video. Here’s hoping you pay your toll ASAP.

id: 1316117 - Text:  @mamamia5668  worst comment ever. People like the man in the video are charming at first to reel you in. They almost never show their true colors until it’s been made difficult for you to leave. Especially when you’re younger and more impressionable.

id: 1316167 - Text:  @elizabethbennet4791  not cynical just reality based just like the video you saw you don't think that's reality
