31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1316174 - Text:  @deathlarsen7502  my comment was for the survivor in the video. Not for you. Sorry you got confused.

id: 1316188 - Text:  @beachgirl468  i hear you on that, im blessed to grow up in a small town in New Zealand where the crime rate is very low and everyone leaves their houses unlocked. I see videos like this and it breaks my heart and i feel guilty that me and my family are able to live a life sheltered from the world

id: 1316233 - Text: Great video mark ❤

id: 1316249 - Text: This video is heartbreaking but needs to be brought to light. Thank you for bravely telling your story

id: 1316271 - Text: I carry the same shame of blaming myself for my traumatic experiences w/men. this whole video really hit me. please give her a hug for me:thanksdoc:

id: 1316274 - Text: I’m already sad & mad after watching 7 minutes of this video. 🤦🏾‍♂️

id: 1316283 - Text: Unreal, what a fool, the Internet is forever, what will her Children think about Mom, when they inevitably see this video. Bash me all you want, but I stand firm, there's things that a Child shouldn't know about their Mother.

id: 1316339 - Text: this video is terrifying... She is so aware and giving us facts! day to day people? police not protecting a 14 year old? absolutely terrifying

id: 1316642 - Text: Kat, I would just like to say that I hope that you are doing well, and that I hope that participating in this video provided some emotional relief to you. A lot of us out here, male and female can relate to a lot of the stuff you mentioned here in this video. You mentioned that you weren't sure why you did this or that because you lived here, had a boom box, nice things and etc. Those are all nice things to have, but it sounds like you didn't have the one most important thing that every child needs, and that's the love and emotional support of a parent(s). You should in know way feel ashamed about anything that happened to you when you were younger. This wasn't caused by how you chose to dress or anything else like that. The adults that were around you failed you miserably when you needed them the most. I'm a 50 year old white male who is a loving husband, and the father of a now 24 year old daughter and a 22 year old son. I feel that I'm the best father that I can be due to all of the emotional BS I went through when I was younger. My family was pretty dysfunctional, and I always told myself that if I were ever to be so lucky to have children that they will never experience what I went through as a child and that they will always be surrounded by love. My sweet wife and I have always made sure that this has happened. I can tell by the way you speak about your children that you have made pretty much the same devotion in raising your children. I'm sure you are a wonderful loving mom. That in my opinion is the most important thing of all. Take care, God Bless, and best of luck to you. ~LM

id: 1316709 - Text: My word, my heart is acking watching this video, Hi from Northern Ireland, I just want to give you a massive heartfelt hug, I feel I understand your thoughts and what you are telling. I just want to wish you nothing but love and happiness for you and your children and also with you clothing brand, whatever brings you and your family love joy and just a beautiful life. Incredible lady, heartbreaking story, but you will help so many people and probably might never know just how many. But your story will help millions I'd think. God bless you and your kids. X
