31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1317511 - Text: Mark do more videos horny nympho women who love money 💰 🤑 💸 .

id: 1317521 - Text:  @duderinoification  I’ve definitely seen some videos of his channels about people abused by their mothers as well. It’s a very dark world.

id: 1317538 - Text:  @cumberlandgapjimbow7897 Abuse by women does happen. People w discussing the men, because they make up most of the consumer base for commercial child sexual exploitation, which is the subject of this video. That doesn’t take away from those of us who were victims of SA by women, respectfully. I have been there, and I know it happens and is extremely damaging.

id: 1317540 - Text:  @echospage We are talking about children. This video does, at least…

id: 1317551 - Text:  @duderinoification  honestly, like im genuinely curious, why do alot of men have to bring up abt "women also" in a video abt a woman suffering because of these married men? Like we know women are also equally terrible but can we not always bring up abt another genders issues when were trying to address other genders' issue? its funny how men will come to videos abt women being abused by men and comment abt how men are abused by women but i dont see the same when it comes to videos addressing mens issue abt women. Like its fucking annoying, go comment that in a video that talks abt women being a pedophile or also being psychopathic. I also dont understand why many videos abt men being treated unfairly in society have to degrade women or mostly sounded misogynistic and hateful that women get education but i dont see the same in videos abt women being left out etc. I dont want to stand in either side of the community whether its feminism or mens right, and i want to be fair, but everytime i watch videos abt mens inequality or women treated unfairly in hollywood or being sexualized by men, there'll always be comments by men that sounds rather childish and make me loose all my support for men that im trying to and forcing myself to build up. i want to see men in the same light i see women, equal yknow. sorry this is getting out of topic... but if you're gonna reply and say because there arent any videos abt women being pedophiles and sexually abusing kids, just know that there is and i recently watched one

id: 1317552 - Text:  @iviekicklighte673  bro whats the use of all the countless of videos and evidence of men being abusers when ur gonna say women are the majority, you clearly dont know because there's not many videos abt it. but, having to stay fair, i'd say both genders are almost the same.

id: 1317580 - Text:  @reynaclothier7649  only people making these video applications want a perverse type of 15 minutes. get help.

id: 1317609 - Text: I wish I could give her a hug and be her friend. She seems like such a cool person honestly and a good mom. This whole idea of being 'provocative' is a false idea that men have created in order to justify their abuse. It is not hard to tell, as a person, if someone does not WANT you to touch them that way and things like that. They know that there is no consent and blame it on the woman to feel better about what they did. Her parents should have been there for her to protect her and the police should have been more responsible. NONE of what happened is her fault and I hope she can find someone to give her the love and care that she deserves. And that she can become more comfortable in herself and her value (which we all struggle with!!) ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Edit- As I watch more of the video her mom is making me FURIOUS like the amount of neglect and then telling her daughter it was all her own fault - like girl I would run away too!! And at such a vulnerable time in life, the ages of 12-14... such disappointments of people in her life during that important period. But Kat herself seems wonderful and I'm proud of her for trying to break the cycle with her kids and still trying to find real love ❤️

id: 1317616 - Text: I adore her but I almost couldn’t finish this video because the addition of “like” every other word.

id: 1317650 - Text: Wow!! Instead of telling a girl not to wear skirts or short tops, how about teaching your sons respect and decency. Good god, a young girl should not have to feel guilty for dressing like a girl when those clothes are in every store, videos and ads. There's a limit to dressing provocatively, but boys must be taught that forcing themselves, etc., is so wrong.
