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id: 1317703 - Text: If anything, this video points out the failures in our justice and policing systems the most, and, the fact that they truly are useless for the more complex social problems in our society regardless of funding or not

id: 1317772 - Text: The interviewer is victim blaming also. I can't believe people watch his videos. The questions he asks are victimizing and so unbelievably out of touch.

id: 1317783 - Text:  @sarahwarren4584  well i appreciate the kind words and same to you. As far as me knowing a W who has been through "trauma", almost every W I've ever met, dated or ever just talked to in conversation has gone through "trauma" accordingto them. Ironically the stories all point to self inflicted "trauma" by the b4db0ys THEY chose to lay down for, date, marry etc. FYI, t0x1c m4acul1n1ty doesn't exist. M4sculine M are the ones that protect, work and keep civilization going. It's the M that live lives off of their f33lings and emotions that are the ones causing problems in society. M are not just here to protect W from others, but we are also here to protect W from themselves (the W in this video being a prime example of what happens when you let them go out and be "independent" with no supervision). The problem is f3m1n1suum culture has ruined that dynamic and now M are walking away from W because we are tired of the constant b4shing and thr3ats of false all3gati0ns and being told "we don't need no M". W are starting to see the repercussions of their actions but the "t0x1c M" they have pushed away for so long are no longer wanting to help.

id: 1317787 - Text:  @sarahwarren4584  I fully agree with you and appreciate the based responseyou have given, but unfortunately F3m1nisum in general has done more h4rm than good. Although you may not include yourself in the extreme verion of it, you (like ALL W and many M) have subconsciously adopted MANY of their ideas and mindsets simply from constantly having it incorporated into your daily life through msm, movies, Hollywood, f4ke n3ws etc. You may have a better based mindset compared to many, but f3m culture has done serious d4m4ge to western society and the drastic decrease in m4rriage, increased d1v0rce, record low b1rth rates etc. proves my points. There are MANY problems in current society, but t0x1c m4scul1nity is not one of them, t3st0sterone is at an all time low in the m4le population, so that by itself should prove that M are w3aker and more f3m1n1ne than ever before. Good luck to you and hopefully you manage to stay on the better path in life, just don't be like the majority and blame your mistakes on M like the example in this video does. Have a good Christmas and new year.

id: 1317798 - Text:  @Uniquaization  another emotional rant of irrelevance. You're talking about situations that have nothing to do with W who act like the one in this video. That's called moving the goal post, a favorite tactic of W who get "offended" by truth.

id: 1317800 - Text:  @Uniquaization  you're completely wrong, there are PLENTY of assaults and horrible crimes/actions done by W and it is VERY common. You're just a normie that believes everything the msm and the propogarbage machine tells you and you have no idea what the reality is because the truth is not reported on 99% of the time. None of what you said has anything to do with the W in this video, her behavior and what SHE ADMITS to doing. W want to complain about M's behavior while simultaneously supporting W being "strong and independent" and acting JUST LIKE the M they claim to despise. Lol sorry but nothing you are saying is based off facts, just because you repeat what someone on "the news" or some l1b teacher like a parrot doesn't make you right.

id: 1317810 - Text:  @Uniquaization  i already answered what SHOULD BE done if the world was "fair" unless you missed it or it got shad0b4nned by c0mm1etube. You're talking like I have the power to make horrible people good, sorry but I don't. There are a 1000 problems that need to be solved before we even get to a point where random W like the one in this video quit being "strong and independent" aka rebellious life w4sting wh0r3s that make constant bad decisions until it's too late and they are ruined for life. I don't have S1MPathy for people like this anymore, I just avoid the nonsense as much as possible and watch the show that the f3m1n1sum movements and the division/br4inw4sh1ng of our youth is quickly doing to society and our country. When you cheer on d1sfunct10n and v1l1fy strong M and the v4lues that protected our children and common sense morals, this is what we will continue to get until there is nothing left.

id: 1317869 - Text: Her honesty and openness is humbling, I really appreciate how much guts it takes to discuss these painful events. I object to her saying, "I did this to myself". NOBODY deserves to be sexually assaulted because of the way they dress, where they are, who they are etc, She was also a child, barely a teenager. Adults are supposed to care for children, ALL children, not just our own. I don't understand people. Congrats for starting her own business. I'm not finished with the video.I hope they name her business, I'd DEFINITELY support her! She needs a lot of support and love. That's ok!!

id: 1317931 - Text: Ok so I'm a recovering addict first of all. Second this man cares only how he looks and that's called ego. He feels like he shouldn't be saving these addicts and I'm wondering if he paid them for the videos which go towards their addiction So he is making money off their addiction and then to continue the process of money going back into his pocket he continues the downward spiral of addiction keeping them high. How about going into rehabs and shooting success stories as well. I use to watch these videos and it triggered me to use. How about show more of the solution. His responsibility is to not only use his platform as a mess but also a message.

id: 1317953 - Text:  @emotionalsupportbae  thanks! Oh is it you!? You mentioned you "wrote a post," at one point in the video do you blog or anything I'd love to check it out.
