31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1319477 - Text: Wow California is a wild place, the last video I watched was a poor homeless couple struggling to survive on the streets. And this video there’s two people bragging on making millions off of porn videos

id: 1319482 - Text: This is the point I’ve made on the other video…… you only show healthy “good” black people while showing the worst of white people You realize these people are racist

id: 1319494 - Text: I’m hoping after I watch the video , the title will make sense. African American …… what’s the point of mentioning that?

id: 1319506 - Text: it was a promo video, lol

id: 1319519 - Text: This is undoubtedly one of the saddest videos I've ever seen. I understand that you work in an industry where selling sex is top bill, but to suggest that such a business venture is the liberation of men and women who may or may not have experienced some type of sexual trauma, caused primarily by the church, is simply yet another attempt at validating immorality. This is exactly what the world needs, more strip clubs to liberate men and women from the church. For the love of money is the ROOT of ALL EVIL. The time is come when good will be called evil and evil good.

id: 1319556 - Text: There’s a glaring error in the video title. They’re not African-American. They’re just Americans or black Americans.

id: 1319602 - Text: This video is Culture. Love it. And love being black

id: 1319604 - Text: I know this dude! Jean Claude was in that movie Fresh back in the day. He directed alot of straight to video movies too

id: 1319716 - Text: Why are people watching this video if they have a problem with sex work? Nobody cares about your criticism. Just watch the video. Mark please continue to annoy these losers with African American in the titles.

id: 1319733 - Text: These two are absolutely amazing. Bright, articulate. Yeah man. Interesting that he spent half of the video talking about female sexuality when there was a black woman sitting next to him who could tell that story herself. Would have liked to hear more from her. Thanks Mark for bringing her in. She’s got it going on. Both of them are brilliant though, hats off. Good story. Love that they showed there was a market for it. Makes me mad that those promoters didn’t even recognise that there was a market for it. That actually shows just how invisible black woman are. Power to these two, and may you continue to cash in too!
