31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1320133 - Text:  @leela8154  Hi, Leela. Thank you for caring enough to take the time to engage. I feel, sometimes, if we use only ourselves as mirrors, and we only see the reflection we project, we can get lost in that reflection. Like in a fun house room full of mirrors. Once in a while, we need to look outside ourselves to see not only our true reflection...our true reality...but possibly to also see the limitless potential just outside the confines of our own perceived self reflections. I don't think any of this is easy...for this young woman, her baby, her family and friends, you, me or anyone. It is truly horrible. My words are only sent with thoughts of hope and love. There is help available...assistance and you stated...yes...not enough and difficult to access...but there, nonetheless...esp. for a pregnant young woman. I too hope she sees a true reflection of herself and her current circumstances...with whatever mirror will help her to see. And that this motivates real change. All those fairy tales of which you speak... they teach young women they are weak, powerless and in need of rescue. My message intends to relay the opposite. The only person that can save "snow white" is snow white herself. The harsh reality is...there is no prince charming. Ever. You are right. Fairy tales are not reality we have to save ourselves. The poison..metaphorically AND literally, IS running through her veins and into her baby. Awful, yes. Also, very true. . Mark...the channel creator..lists organizations and programs that are available on each video. Here, online, on this post, all I have to offer this young woman with child is words...words of understanding, hope and love. I know, in the real world, I do my part. Vote. Volunteer. Donate. Do you do yours? Because that's all we can really do. Truth to Power💕

id: 1320217 - Text: I'm from California and I had never heard of Skid Row until watching these videos, I find myself praying for the women on Skid Row. I work a 9 to 5 as a single woman and mother of 2. There is no judgment here, we all have some decisions we're not proud of. It's stressful on this other side too but at least it's safer. Please come on over 💜

id: 1320218 - Text: Has there been a snow white follow up video?

id: 1320308 - Text: All the women chipping in again for the woman. But if a man suffers in a video because of women, nobody cares.

id: 1320324 - Text: she is one of the very first women who has actually given the advice “DO NOT DO IT!” when he asked.. in all the videos that i have seen, the girls are always actually giving “advice” like “don’t get too comfortable with yo trick!” or “if you gon do this, put yo whole heart into it and do it right!” and im like NO! TELL THESE FOLKS DON’T GET OUT AND DO THE SAME THING THAT HAS YOU ON DOPE AND GETTING BEAT TF UP! man., i definitely understand that in some circumstances, a person may feel like that have no choice; as she did! but man..

id: 1320327 - Text: these videos have taught me so much about life.

id: 1320350 - Text: I was out on the streets same age as her only difference is my mom kicked me out. Upper class family I was dating a guy she didn't like. I never went to prostitution. Many told me I should strip I could never do that either. I don't understand why they think prostitution is the ONLY thing they can do! Ive heard many of them say this in these videos. Just gets job and learn to save. Don't do drugs, smoke weed and chill. What you put out in life is why you get back. I'm not judging at all I just don't understand why they think this way. I'm scared and worried for them all.

id: 1320371 - Text: She is so sweet, I've seen many of your videos and this is my first comment, she really impressed me

id: 1320373 - Text: I’ve been binging these videos for a little over a week now. I have to say, ithank God for grandmothers. There are so many of these stories where people do not have their parents raise them and their grandma was the one who stepped up.

id: 1320376 - Text: Thank you for doing these videos💚🙏🏼
