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id: 1321183 - Text: I love her!!! I love all these videos! Make me reflects about how we have lost the purpose to be humans... We judge and criticize because it's the easy way out. I have so much respect for women who decided to be prostitutes. I hope Snow White is doing well and she is taking care of herself! Beautiful woman!!!!

id: 1321212 - Text: People thinking giving a baby in adoption is the best thing a drug-addicted prostitute can do for her newborn seriously need to have a reality check. The cases are rare. Not every adopted kid will be happy. How to ensure these babies, who nobody knows if they will be taken care of once they are born, avoid suffering? Unfortunately, abortion is the answer. I'm saying this and I'm a Christian. And whoever wants to question my faith can do it, but then I will question is you put the same energy into caring for that baby once it is born just as you did when it was a fetus. Are you feeding them? No. Are you protecting them? No. Are you educating them? No. You are not doing absolutely anything for them more than bitching about letting them be born, and then watching videos about them saying "oh, I cannot believe she prostitutes, what a sad life, she is a drug addict, wish I could help" and then continue with your life. Nobody is doing nothing for these kids in foster care or adoption centers, but people seriously want them to be born. Hypocrisy.

id: 1321216 - Text: ย @melyssarevilla1468ย  A life has worth, regardless of the disagree, by saying the circumstances supercede the right to life..what you are saying is life is subjective, to your guesses..BUT keep in mind, their own personal worth stands on their own..what you are saying is that if you deem a possible path too much to endure, too painful, their "worth" falls below that standard of living, not above it..on the other side of the spectrum, if you disagree and say "no, they are too worthy to endure suffering", you've painted yourself into a corner..if you are saying they have tremendous worth, you're saying regardless, it doesn't matter, denying the potential from within are putting a status of "worth" on these individuals, even if you don't use that specific word..I'm glad you brought up "shitty parents" as an excuse (well it's not really an excuse because I don't believe you're ordained in seeing every bit of a person's future existence before it happens), because recently I've been having a back and forth with a wonderful woman named Nancy Little..she has explained in GREAT detail of the unimaginable abuse she suffered as far back as she can remember..abusive narcissistic sociopathic parents, that denied her love and actual physical care..she actually just had her 76th surgery for injuries sustained as a child..her mother sexually abused her growing up and would even drop her off to be molested by her friend who was a female doctor..she briefly explains her existence in this short video below, that's a 14min clip..she won a humanitarian award and was asked to tell her story to the audience We've discussed alot, including myself and others helping her (even though you don't think "nobody does nothing")..and she explained to me through messages and emails, that even if she could push a button to forget EVERYTHING in her past, she wouldn't do that..she uses EVERY BIT of that pain to fuel and help other's..she had a family and went into social work for a very long time (which her daughter went into also), but had to go on disability because of injuries caused from her childhood..YET she continues to work with people, work with kids, and be that voice for change in each of their let EVERY child be heard and not judged..she doesn't at all regret her existence OR thought she should have been aborted =) and calmly and rationally discussing a point, as I'm doing, is not me being "triggered" =) I'm literally stating facts while other comments are from an emotional argument and perspective..someone stating facts, while someone else argues with emotion, means the person that's "triggered" is the latter =) God bless ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

id: 1321234 - Text: No judgement here she seems like a really good person I pray she stops doing drugs while pregnant. It's so sad she's pregnant by a rape I don't believe in abortion either but she was raped so in her case maybe it's better that she does choose abortion I pray that her life gets better and she dont have to prostitute any more and stops drugs and gets a job and a place of her own.. Poor girl I feel so terrible for you sweetie ๐Ÿ’œ mark thank for doing these videos -interviews

id: 1321257 - Text: Awww love her! She is so smart and intelligent and has a lot of knowledge, she speaks so well and seems so aware of a lot.. when she speaks on what shes been through, shes real and straight to the point, the way she speaks makes me want to be friends with her and know more about her. I admire her for speaking on such real, raw and horrific events that have have happened to her. Breaks my heart hearing her break down about just wanting someone to ask her how shes doing ๐Ÿ˜ฅ I pray and hope shes doing okay, shes such a beautiful and honest soul. Watching these videos always makes me appreciate my life and humbles me. I would love to do something like this with my life.. interviewing people and trying to make a difference in people's lives. I've met a lot of broken people in my lifetime who have been through hell just like all these people. Some people just need to be heard and understood.. they just need someone to listen to them ๐Ÿ’™

id: 1321298 - Text: This stuff literally blows my mind and breaks my heart. It's amazing how any kind of abuse or lack of love as child can turn a person into something they never wanted to be. I watch these videos, a great deal of them and sit and say to myself that could of been me. I could have taken the multiple types of abuse I endured and turned to drugs and sex work to just stop the hurt. I am incredibly grateful and fortunate that I didn't go that route. Because often times that is what happens, people find any way, regardless if it's unhealthy or dangerous and find a way to cope the best way they can. I see these videos and hope that one day these people find their way like I did. I had two beautiful boys, and a great job and bought a home. And I could never be more grateful. These videos really made me appreciate the things I have. Even during the intense struggles I was never that bad off as many others are. โฃ๏ธ

id: 1321514 - Text: ย @johnbiebe4092ย  Pretty ignorant thing to say to be honest. you missed the whole point of this video. Yeah a lot of these people do awful things, in fact everyone makes mistakes to some degree BUT it is NOT black and white. as horrid as that is, and is NOT the behavior of a Mother, it does NOT make her a bad person or any less of a broken little girl inside.

id: 1321533 - Text: Beautiful, sweet, strong woman this hurts my heart to know sheโ€™s going through these things...I do pray for the people who are in these videos. And she still believes in the Lord, never give up faith. He is able to bring you out of this even now.

id: 1321571 - Text: These video interviews are so heartbreaking. I feel sorry for some of these people that get stuck inside these lifestyles and feel like thereโ€™s no other way. Itโ€™s so sad to me. Iโ€™m praying for her ๐Ÿ˜ž

id: 1321589 - Text: I love these videos they really help shed light on things Raw, honest and in your face. Do you guys offer services and resources for these people such as help with drugs, housing etc if they want it?
