31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1321709 - Text: I've been binge watching all of these videos. They pull on your heart strings. I wish I could put my arm around all of them. They have been through too much. Especially at a young age. Thank you for sharing and God Bless!

id: 1321743 - Text: what does being "pregnant with a black guy" have to do with anything? I get he does these videos and its impactful but some of his comments are so unnecessary

id: 1321765 - Text: I watch these videos often and a reoccurring statement I’m hearing is “We’re human beings too”🥺

id: 1321789 - Text: What a lousy life. People dont respect these women, and look at them as completely dispensable. Pimps won't let them go, they can't make good money like that doing anything else.😡 The good news is, there IS a better life ahead for those who want to learn and make the changes. Knowledge is the way to a beautiful life permanently! (John 17:3) The way to get out of your bad situation is to acccept a free bible study from one of Jehovah's Witnesses and learn the truth and how you can enjoy the hope ahead. When Jesus was on earth he set the model for his true worshippers to follow(1st Peter 2:21). He preached and taught about Gods kingdom, or government. He showed the false religious leaders for what they really were. He stayed neutral in political affairs. Talk to Jehovah God, the living god.(Psalms 83:18) He can provide a way out of a bad life. He will provide a loving worldwide brotherhood for you, people who will truly love you (John 13: 35) and want you to learn that this life isnt the life that our Heavenly Father wanted for us, but thankfully His original purpose hasnt changed and very soon He WILL intervene, restore the Earth, destroy the wicked who refuse to change, and only His obedient people will remain.(Psalms 37:10,11) No more oppression, hunger, prejudice, violence or pollution. No wars no natural disasters. No more sickness of any kind. People wont get old. No more death or sorrow. (Rev 21:4) Everyone will be healed and build their own homes, and have pleasant work to do. The old will grow young. Even the animals will be happy, as humans will not be allowed to ever abuse them again. They will get along with humans and each other. (Isaiah 11:6-9). This is the real life that God intended for His human creation. If Adam and Eve hadnt become rebellious, they would have been able to expand the borders of paradise to cover the whole earth, and they would have never died. None of their descendants would have died. Sin is what led to death (Romans 5:12) and the horrible situations humans have endured for millennia. But there was a time limit. The scriptures show we are right on the threshold of the end of this "system" of things. (Luke 21:11) (2nd Tim 3:1-5). God will soon destroy ALL manmade governments (Daniel 2:44) and set up His own government with Jesus as King, to rule over the righteous and bring them all the blessings the Bible promises! This includes the amazing blessing of welcoming our dead loved ones back, as Jehovah God promises to bring them back to life, (John 5:28)in the earthly paradise, happy and healthy, as if they never died. He wont tolerate anyone who wants to remain wicked, including the resurrected ones. We wont have to worry about being hurt by anyone. They will not be allowed to live if they dont have the right heart condition! The lord's prayer asks that Gods will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Soon it will be!! Please go to our free website to ask questions, watch videos, audios, etc. You can access nearly any language there, and a variety of Bibles. There are bible topics, topics for families, teens, children, older ones, etc. There is broadcasting and streaming, bible talks, questions from readers, the list goes on.

id: 1321813 - Text: I so wish I could help this beautiful soul. I have this overshelming feeling of compasion and love for this lady. I've watched just about all the videos on this channel and never have I had this really sad feeling and I want to help this lady

id: 1321857 - Text: She's definitely one of my favourite women I've seen in these videos, I hope she can get out of all this.

id: 1321876 - Text: It's partly why I stopped watching these videos. The interviewer is insensitive and berating at times.

id: 1321919 - Text: I thought the pic in the beginning was a video I felt like I was having a staring contest

id: 1321977 - Text: Here's another real good video

id: 1322130 - Text: I LOVE your videos but I never comment. BUT this lady has touched me. When she said she just wishes someone would ask how she's doing. My heart aches for her. She seems like a very sweet person. <3 Wishing and hoping the best for her.
