31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1322151 - Text: THERE IS HOPE AND THERE IS CHOICE. She can change her life. If she can walk the streets, sign paperwork for a video disclosure, sit down for an interview, have babies - then she can def change her life. Lets hope <3 for this baby's sake.

id: 1322288 - Text:  @leela8154  Hi, Leela. Thank you for caring enough to take the time to engage. I feel, sometimes, if we use only ourselves as mirrors, and we only see the reflection we project, we can get lost in that reflection. Like in a fun house room full of mirrors. Once in a while, we need to look outside ourselves to see not only our true reflection...our true reality...but possibly to also see the limitless potential just outside the confines of our own perceived self reflections. I don't think any of this is easy...for this young woman, her baby, her family and friends, you, me or anyone. It is truly horrible. My words are only sent with thoughts of hope and love. There is help available...assistance and you stated...yes...not enough and difficult to access...but there, nonetheless...esp. for a pregnant young woman. I too hope she sees a true reflection of herself and her current circumstances...with whatever mirror will help her to see. And that this motivates real change. All those fairy tales of which you speak... they teach young women they are weak, powerless and in need of rescue. My message intends to relay the opposite. The only person that can save "snow white" is snow white herself. The harsh reality is...there is no prince charming. Ever. You are right. Fairy tales are not reality we have to save ourselves. The poison..metaphorically AND literally, IS running through her veins and into her baby. Awful, yes. Also, very true. . Mark...the channel creator..lists organizations and programs that are available on each video. Here, online, on this post, all I have to offer this young woman with child is words...words of understanding, hope and love. I know, in the real world, I do my part. Vote. Volunteer. Donate. Do you do yours? Because that's all we can really do. Truth to Power💕

id: 1322423 - Text: When she smiles and those dimples heart melts. I think this woman, and her honesty, are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing your truths. This interview pulled at my heart strings from the moment it started. Watching these videos helps me understand people more and be sincerely kinder in my every day life.

id: 1322424 - Text: When she smiles and those dimples heart melts. I think this woman, and her honesty, are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing your truths. This interview pulled at my heart strings from the moment it started. Watching these videos helps me understand people more and be sincerely kinder in my every day life.

id: 1322434 - Text: I watch a lot of videos on this channel. I feel a lot of empathy for these people and the souls crushing things they’ve been through. But people let’s not forget that addicts lie all the time.....

id: 1322518 - Text: I have so much Love for her.. I feel her pain through the video I can see it in her eyes and all over her! I wish her the best and I truly hope that she can change her life style and avoid drugs that will be her true downfall.. I would love to see a complete turn around she is so beautiful so smart and so much more than the streets.. You got this girl you can do anything!!

id: 1322564 - Text: This video really hurt my heart. I wish her the best

id: 1322571 - Text: I watch a lot of these videos and my heart hurts for each person honestly. But I have a question why is it such a bad thing to have a child from a black guy as he said and how do he know a black guy raped her. This is about the second time I've heard little comments pertaining to race. Just a question ...... May God shield and protect them all

id: 1322573 - Text: She's pregnant asshole. This video is about people lifestyles & learning. Not their looks. I'm sure you're a real looker considering your insecurities are showing while you talk down on a pregnant female's looks. Stfu! 🙄

id: 1322596 - Text: When I see videos like these, as a Social Worker (living in NY)...I wish I could write her a letter. Could a PO box be set up for viewers to send letters of support that then you could pass out to random individuals in need? Love this channel!
