31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1333407 - Text: What a start to the video holy shit 😂

id: 1333468 - Text:  @amberk4978  sorry I was just being realistic after watching many of Marks previous videos

id: 1333572 - Text: What I find funny is how so many people in comments think they can diagnose her intellect after a 20min video.

id: 1333657 - Text:  @clkantor1  okay I'll give you that, but it does not change the fact the girl in the video is using some ridiculous logic to justify her behavior.

id: 1333667 - Text:  @xwakingthefallenx  1. Don't try to insult someone as being ignorant and also admit you had to google answers in the same response. You're showing your ignorance. 2. I asked you to give me an example of a new born baby knowing how to survive and you give me a list of reflexes. Lets take your Moro reflex for example. Tell me how this reflex will save a new born baby from falling when they aren't strong enough to hold on to anything. I'll wait. The point here is that yes, these are things that are well documented that babies can do from birth, but nothing you listed will will actually help them because a new born baby is completely depended one someone else to survive. 3. This is going further away from point I made in my original reply. Since you weren't smart enough to understand my original point let me spell it out for you. I never said that humans weren't born with some of survival instincts. I said "SURVIVING" is a learned behavior, and that what the original person's claim I replied to about the girl in the video using her "survival instincts" is bs. Now if you want to actually argue against my original point, I'll be more than happy to engage with you, otherwise I'm done going down this road that is totally irrelevant to my original post.

id: 1333808 - Text: Shout out from Kentucky great video

id: 1333841 - Text: Sounds like you know a lot🤓 you should definitely call up and debate Christian Prince. I'm sure you could straighten him out😊 might be helpful to prepare yourself first by listening to at least a dozen videos of his that have been posted on YouTube 😎

id: 1333972 - Text: hey second youngest daughter here! corrine died last year in february due to a stab attack.. so nice of all of u to say these such kind words of my mother. i never experienced none of this. and half of what she talks about is what she put me through. i hope she may rest in peace and thank u for making this video it answered a whole lot of questions i’ve had over the years.

id: 1334004 - Text: She's such a compelling speaker and storyteller. All of these videos are gripping stories, but the way she articulates hers just shines. Wherever miss Corrine is, I hope all the best for her.

id: 1334055 - Text: I ran across her after seeing this video and was able take her food and other goodies. Her prosthetic broke so she was only able to get around in a wheelchair for the last 5 months. I found out today she was killed 2 days ago. She always told me if I ever talked to the interviewer to let him know she said hi! RIP CoCo!!
