31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1335072 - Text:  @2010axlslash  she claimed to almost rape a drunk passed out boy in one of her videos

id: 1335093 - Text:  @danielboone72  It's too late for me. Unfortunately I didn't stumble upon this video until AFTER i got ripped off at Sher's Ranch. :(

id: 1335101 - Text: Lol....I couldn't help but read the remarks to this video....the perverts and sexual predators obviously can't even control themselves as they actually think their stupid ass remarks are what.....enticing to her? silly pathetic sorry ass predators pretty much showed how truly desperate you are in life!

id: 1335106 - Text: Wow...Watching your video I realize how screwed over I really got at Sheri's ranch back in August. I got scammed by a worker out of 3k and all Sheri's did was fire the worker and block me on all social media so I can't tell anyone about my experience there. I even had two of Sheri's other workers (Nova Sky and Paloma) reach out to me and trick me into taking all my honest tweets down about Sheri's. They pretended to care and were disgusted by what happened to me at Sheri's. They then offered me two options to make it up to me. I was so touched! I even asked them why would they do that and they said "We care about your happiness". Boy, am I a fool because I believed them. When the day finally came to fulfill the promise THEY OFFERED they both blocked me. I do have all the SS to prove it. I wish I had never stepped foot into Sheri's. I can't even count how many times I have been lied to and deceived. My experience at Sheri's Ranch left me crushed. Never again.

id: 1335113 - Text: How much do you charge now?? You're attractive, but I saw you in your Mandela video 10 years ago and you were SWEET.

id: 1335133 - Text: Jeffrey Bone If you are referring to me, yes, I am a "chick" who went to a brothel. Why does that surprise you? I wanted an experience of a lifetime, instead I got screwed out of three grand. HAD I seen this video before I went I would have known better. No lying going on here!

id: 1335156 - Text: I love your MANDELA EFFECT video

id: 1335162 - Text: How fucking weird a few hours ago I was watching ancient aliens on the history channel and for some reason they were talking about the Hadron Collider and hours later I’m watching a goddamn video on YouTube about brothels in Nevada and here’s a comment about the damn Hadron Collider! WTF I guess we had the Same day! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤷🏻‍♂️

id: 1335238 - Text: Drugs are the cost of a lot of broken destructive families. These videos Mark are very informative and insightful. God bless her soul. Thanks for sharing your story.

id: 1335314 - Text: These Pimms these men are just putting shame on men in general making men look bad. Like what cowards they get 13-year-old girls 14-year-old girls girls I don’t know nothing they can’t get a woman they go like taking advantage of young people they don’t know much in life like asking for their addresses seriously I was brought up Christian and I stopped believing in heaven and hell and all of this stuff but after watching these videos I actually believe in heaven and hell again because there’s no accountability for most people and there’s gotta be a place where people are accountable I’m not saying yeah forever whatever but they need to be tortured and they need to suffer because they need to learn what it feels like they need to gain empathy by suffering themselves that’s their nature that’s a personality that’s the darkness within them they’re just not born with empathy like people go through hell people are tortured people you know go through all evil shit and some people are just good and some people are just bad and that’s what I’m starting to realise Soft white underbelly it’s actually made me believe again and some more structural religion instead of getting all airy fairy and love love and light the way I was the people of light the people of love need need to actually raise a salvation army again and actually start kicking some some of these pieces of shit men heads in and torturing them putting them through hell and that’s the problem actually the problem is all the men of light and love fucking raise up take arm take these guys fucking down and yes I’ll swim and stand up and will take down those bitches to that are doing evil shit to because at the end of the day like I said you choose to be evil and we just sit around allowing out we need to raise up like if they do bad let’s just start our own army and start community army community centres to turn into like the good people start protection places banging down doors kicking down doors raise up all the men in the community the problem with the police is it stop them in raising up we need to actually raise up the men should be like a totally different thing yeah I’m not saying fight bloody murder but I’m saying if men stood up in the community and there was good men and women working with them because the women need to work in balance with the men otherwise should get all these bad men working again creating more gangs so it needs to be like in line with the government the police women and men working alongside each other because police don’t do nothing I’ve been in all domestic violence and all things and please don’t do that much they do after it’s already happened but while it’s happening before it’s happening you need community police in your neighbourhood good people all coming together kicking down doors know what’s happening in your neighbourhood
