31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1336256 - Text: I wholeheartedly agree! It’s hard to differentiate from what is true and what is a lie. I see a lot of people making excuses for so many but nobody knows what the REAL story is; they just take it TRUTH bc she said it. Until she is ready to get the help she needs nothing is going to change. Unfortunately, I’m starting to see a common theme on this channel as it grows and becomes more popular; the interviewees are manipulators in their everyday lives and know exactly what to say to get sympathy and pity from people in a 20 min video. The stories they tell probably have a little truth to them but they add on to them and turn them into the most unbelievable story you’ve ever heard-one is worse than the next. This is quite common with drug addicts, particularly people on meth-the tales they spin while high are insane, only to find out later it was all lies. I’ve been sober since 2011 and my past isn’t anything I’m proud of but it’s easy to spot the BS and other things bc I lived it. To watch these with a clear mind is eye opening as hell; I have great empathy for those suffering but it’s hard sometimes bc people are very ignorant and if you dare say anything that isn’t positive, you’re shunned. I don’t care bc I don’t know any of these people in real life but people need to understand that speaking the truth/facts isn’t judging someone and it proves people are more comfortable living and believing the lies bc the truth hurts. 😔 I wish her the best and know I sound judge-mental but again, at some point you have to speak the hard truth even though it hurts.

id: 1336286 - Text: @bw been swirling since 1462 I hope you find a purpose in life being miserable and leaving nasty comments in every video is not it what a sorry soul.

id: 1336287 - Text:  @bwhittaker3658  what do you get from commenting stupid bottom of the barrel shit like that under videos like this? If someone was to come to your face with a screenshot of the shit you say unprovoked you would be ashamed 😭

id: 1336369 - Text: Hey everyone. Been working on me. 13 days clean. Fighting for it hard. Don't feel well. Scared. Terrified. Don't think I can do it. But i keep pushing and it's got me this far so far. Great video. Barbie. Man I really like you. I see so much awesomeness in you, you are such a bright and beautiful soul and being. You are special. I wish I all the best 💞

id: 1336425 - Text: @TONY DPHAX KING out of all of what she said and has been through you want to focus on the fact that she doesn't like to deal with BM???? Such a bottom of the barrel and self absorbed way of seeing things. Newsflash she is not the only one that has been interviewed that said the same thing and it's for good reason it seems with the pimp culture. They're countless videos and interviews where these women in prostitution, escorts, strippers, and porn said that the worst treatment they get are at the hands of BM. They set them up to be pimped, robbed, and try to dip out on paying or try to take back money. So a lot of them downright refuse to work or service BM. Tough titties if that bothers you. She doesn't need you sympathy because your sympathy isn't going to do anything for her.

id: 1336522 - Text: I'm just getting to the part where you speak about ur relationship with blk ppl. I'm blk too. I was raised in Forest Hiils, NY & Brookline MA. I relate there too. The difference is tho, that I don't like wht ppl either. Actually I do t like any group of ppl...I do one person, one situation at a time. Nowadays, I spend my time watching doggie videos, YouTube... alone. I'm pretty good company.

id: 1336601 - Text: It broke my heart when she said she hated herself. Sometimes marks videos can be redundant, but every so often, I watch one and the persons circumstances that led them to where they are, touches my heart. Its sad to see someone, especially such a kind soul like herself, view themselves as worthless, and better off not living. Life for a square can get overwhelming, where it seems like there's no way out of a situation, so I imagine for people in this life can feel like there is no way out. Hurt people, hurt people. This woman is hurting badly.

id: 1336861 - Text: Watching these videos has taught me how fucked up the foster system really is!!! It's so fucked up and needs to be fixed immediately

id: 1336869 - Text:  @mostblunted_211  wow you’ve had some traumatic experiences that’s crazy. you fought staff? Now I’ve never gotten there but that’s horrible that they were ok with putting their hands on you that’s wack. I’m sorry you had to go through that . Do they still work there ? I’ve had my fights but not with staff. I stayed in group homes and I never got sent to a high level home where staff can restrain you I’ve only been to group homes but they were bad to. Stayed with girls that were my age at the time I’ve fought them etc. The staff weren’t the issue where I stayed the girls I stayed with were. You gotta be on guard you know . Can’t let them catch you slipping you feel me lmllll. I agree no one speaks about Foster care like that nor do people really know what it really is all about. They think you just stay at a two parent home but there are levels to it. Depending on the your behavior the court determine where they wanna place you so it’s not that simple as people think. Im doing better now than I did when I was in there. In NY you can age out at 21 but you sign yourself out at 18 . I decided not to because I didn’t have family to return to go I stayed until I was 21. I can definitely say that I am a better person physically mentally and emotionally . i was a different person back then I couldn’t recognize myself . I hope that you’re doing better now despite all of that. you should definitely make a video about it I think people should have a better understanding of what it is and what’s it’s like to be in foster care . Btw how old are you now? Do you go to counseling? Your system sound like y’all were in a psy hospital like that’s mad extra. That doesn’t sound normal to me. Silent room? Lmaooo that’s ode what is Cali on 🥴 .. that’s crazy though I’m sorry you went through that I hope you are better now and around people that care about you. Sometimes people who come from where we come from end up dead , in jail or out here being reckless you know.

id: 1336892 - Text: I watch these videos because i was made a child prostitute and i have no connections whatsoever now that im 31. Everyone who was my 'family' is dead. I have no friends or love. This feels like having friends who could understand my history.
