31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1336997 - Text: This guy is in alot of YouTube videos like this. Just looking for clout, looking for relevance. The surgeons that did this should lose their licenses! Immediately. He looks like absolute idiot. He needs to heal internally instead of covering it stupidly externally. Everyone saying oh hes so sweet blah blah blah. No hes not. Hes vain, narcissistic and deluded! He uses men for money. Im shocked he stooped this low for this interview. Completely differnt personality on other videos.

id: 1337058 - Text: Never heard of Mateo before in my life, after watching the video I got MAD respect for this dude. Props, I strive to be this fulfilled and happy with where I am in my life. The amount of self-love this guy radiates is so inspiring. 10/10 would be his friend haha. Keep on doing you Mateo! This was definitely the reminder to love myself I needed today :)

id: 1337060 - Text: Thank you for your video. ❤😊😊

id: 1337068 - Text: I did not get he was a male until I look closer to read his feelings through his eyes as this video been appearing onto my scroll for quite long, there I saw that he's a male person yet I was still doubtful and couldn't believe and he is a lovely person with no hard feelings and he is not drugging, he feel pretty as hell. But after watching him, I don't desire his life but I really like him for himself and keep on being pretty as ever☺️❤

id: 1337075 - Text: Bro where can I find his videos! Lol

id: 1337085 - Text: The common denominator in 99.9% of SWU's videos is and always will be: childhood sexual abuse. Old, young, black, white, gay, straight, trans, rich, poor, addicts, strippers, escorts, johns, all the folks on Skid Row... they were ALL abused as children. I don't even need to hear Mateo's story, one look at the way he dresses, talks, looks and acts immediately tells me he was victimized in some way as a child. And then the most bizarre thing is we all cheer him on in the comments. I realize we don't want to be rude. He truly seems like a very nice young man. But comments here like "wishing him the best of luck!" - best of luck sleeping with men who are most likely sexual abusers? Best of luck having one night stands with men that will never love him? Best of luck by contributing to his obvious body dysmorphia? I just don't understand modern culture and how we just constantly have to affirm everything with zero criticism. Like the videos of "Rebecca" - all these folks in the comments calling him she/her "I absolutely love HER!" - you are only making his mental illness worse. Sorry, end of rant. I do appreciate SWU's channel and his interviews, I've watched hundreds of them. I have a different outlook on homelessness because of Mark, so I wish him no disrespect here. His videos alone are the reason I will not send my son to preschool and will never allow him to have sleepovers, because I see what SA can do to a child. I just cannot seem to understand the human mind anymore. I'm so glad I'm an introvert and homebody.

id: 1337137 - Text: you didnt watch the video huh?

id: 1337179 - Text: It's the lips that I'm tryna get past......Other than that, awesome video.

id: 1337187 - Text: I really enjoyed watching this video of this guy Mateo I wish him the best I watched the whole thing I learned a lot too he’s so very positive he’s amazing ❤❤❤

id: 1337235 - Text: I hate to say this, but I've always avoided watching videos about mateo because I thought he was a weirdo and just desperately craving attention, but after this interview, he comes across as a really sweet, down to earth guy. Keep doing what makes you happy mateo 😊
