31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1338277 - Text: What he has done to himself is truly remarkable in such a horrible sense. He plays the part from soup to nuts (no pun intended) of this entitled and spoiled rotten expectant person. The "like, like, like," every 3 words is so annoying. This guy is gross. Plain and simple. The gay man and all that being gay are about is shattered by extreme people like this shallow, fake, bubble butt. He uses his parents in so many ways. He is such a duche. He will have so many issues maintaining that blow up body when he is older. Then he will parlay into the victim and we will never stop hearing about it. So much mental illness. I cannot even watch this full video he makes me sick. Fk this guy.

id: 1338358 - Text: There's undoubtedly more to Mateo's story beyond what's presented in this 41-minute video. The limited time is insufficient to elaborate on the entirety of his life's timeline. Given the absence of a script, certain statements offered by Mateo may sometimes seem paradoxical. It's probable that he wishes to keep certain aspects of his life confidential to protect himself, his family, and both his financial and personal interests.

id: 1338383 - Text: Because the majority of YouTube commenters are dumbasses going on vibes and not actually listening or thinking. You bring up really salient points, that are easy to understand, and most viewers are just taking in the video like “wow yeah so meaningful”. There’s probably also an additional point about integrity here like people aren’t used to living their values so they just accept stuff at face value. A lot of people online I notice have zero integrity or actively will give you flack for having integrity. Idk.

id: 1338441 - Text: 💜hi Mark, I saw a video about aaaa(trying to be respectful here) of He Him , and such a level headed person!! I love that! I like this person . I got new insight . I don't know if this fits but,, this person is like a, diamond in the rough,. Thanks for this video.

id: 1338445 - Text: He seems cool and honestly kudos for anyone who has the balls to live authentically themselves no matter what that may look or feel like to the rest of us. You’re gonna inspire so many people to step into their truer selves after watching this video. We only get one life …..

id: 1338624 - Text: How much self-hatred does it take to do this to one's own and only face? I'm scared of listening to this video.

id: 1338634 - Text: After watching this video I'm reminded, "Dont judge a book by it's cover." If he was naturally born looking like this I think people would accept his appearance, appreciate his confidence and beleive him when he says he's happy. I'm not really sure what my point is and this was hard to articulate.

id: 1338679 - Text: I was atheist just moments ago, before I saw the man in the video. Now I'm religious, I renounce the world, I'm becoming a monk, and I'll spend the rest of my life figuring out how to escape the wretched earth.

id: 1338715 - Text: Every time I watch videos with similar people all I think about is their safety. At the same time my brain goes to that movie with the young black girl is walking home with groceries and the redneck guys in the truck stop and do terrible things to her.. Matthew McConaughey is the lawyer..I can’t think of the name of the movie. But that’s just my brain. Stay safe Mateo. ❤

id: 1338753 - Text: I am surprised that he was able to be in Dubai looking like he does in the video. Dubai is NOT a tolerant place for his lifestyle, a country based on Islamic rule, to be as he presents so it makes me wonder about whether he’s been there, in fact unless he was smuggled into the country somehow, he would have never been able to enter for many reasons 🤔
