31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1338775 - Text: Thank you for a very informative video as I applaud his individuality but I am a little confused by his lips?!? Pretty unique situation.

id: 1338787 - Text: I'm a straight white middle-aged woman. I loved watching this video, it made me think about how I think about other people. Back in the Eighties I worked in the nightclubs of London and met a lot of the bands and celebrities of the day. We started the Goth and Punk scene back in London in the early eighties! This young man has changed himself to look like the person he wants to be and some of it is permanent. When I was young paperclips and safety pins adorned our noses and ears so perhaps we aren't that far removed. A recurring thought which kept coming to mind as I watched and listened to this very professionally made video, is the health aspect of removing ribs. Especially as one grows older or at the very least coughs! My favorite bit about you was your lovely legs! fishnets rule !!!

id: 1338809 - Text: This is one of my absolute favorite videos yet-he def taught me a thing or two

id: 1338980 - Text: Look how mad they are because you commented something positive, I’m confused on how they’re mad but clicked on the video?

id: 1339094 - Text: Mateo, you’re beautiful. Enjoyed meeting you in this video.

id: 1339189 - Text: I don't know why... any other video like this, I just move on, but I feel compelled to say that I really don't care. Like, seriously. I don't care. I'd rather listen to a Starbuck's employee.

id: 1339519 - Text: His mannerisms are very Kardashian. Interesting an enlightening video. The confidence is a plus.

id: 1339546 - Text: What in the phukkkk IS THAT?!!!! Almost blinded me scrolling by the videos.

id: 1339586 - Text: Mark is at all open minded. He has done repetitive transphobic comments. He knows trans people brings views. The fact that his most watched videos are detransitioning speaks about his audience.

id: 1339656 - Text: ho ho ho hold up. People don't "take the time to be hateful" and it "doesnt say more about the commenter than the one being commented on". I'm (like a lot of other people) working and going about my life. I don't even see the video, I hear it as a podcast and I take 3 minutes to write a comment when I feel like it. And if I don't happen to agree or like what you say, I will say it cause that's why you're here. To get comments. To get attention. And you thrive equally on regular comments and hateful comments. So stop trying to virtue signal people and trying to discredit people who dislike or don't agree with you. That is.. REALLY pathetic. OWN it. Criticism, in all its ways, has been here since forever. And no, you don't have to formally introduce yourself to be allowed to comment. You can be JohnDoe1234 and still you're entitled to comment. For christ sake, back in the day people would send ANONYMOUS letters to TV stations. Grow the fck up mark.
