31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1344384 - Text:  @JohnM-sw4sc  yes I was speaking in terms of sexual drive which is what the subject of the video and the initial comment refers to. Not sure where reproduction is brought up in the video or definitely In the initial comment . If mark does an interview 10 years later when kazumi is 35 if her biology lines up with a lot of women she will probably have the same mentality or even more .

id: 1344397 - Text: then Mark would be older by then. I hope Mark will still be healthy and doing well to continue making these videos.

id: 1344416 - Text: Nothing bad has happened to her in ten years. She is really like this: hypersexual - just like 99% of all other Philippine girls. It's their nature. They are born for this. I have lived very close to ten years in Asia, so I know this. Everything she says in this video, is true. She honestly likes to serve men sexually. All Asian chicks I've been with have been like this.

id: 1344451 - Text: She is the epitome of the 'Divine Feminine' and the patriarchal society has shunned women for expressing their sexualitty and feminity. I think this quote from her interview resonates with a lot of women out there, "My life was wholly dependent on how much a man liked me directly and not on my own career and own goals." Ladies, please become financially independent and don't stay in toxic relationships because it provides a sense of security. Thank you for this video :)

id: 1344518 - Text: Her dad and brother absolutely watches her videos. Then act like they don't know. 😆

id: 1344541 - Text: I watch many of Mark's videos which have several strippers and sex workers. I never cease to be amazed how obesity has now become sexy. What a sad state of affairs when the majority of Americans try to change mass perceptions of what is attractive and demand attraction to unhealthy results from gluttony and a sedentary lifestyle.

id: 1344605 - Text: She says her parents don't know what she does but then you follow her YouTube channel back by clicking on her picture and you can see videos of her and her mother reviewing disgusting content. Oh her parents know all right, and the whole thing about this was it was advertising for her Channel and Mark unwittingly or purposely helped her do that.

id: 1344606 - Text: some of you are acting like such judgemental losers in the comments. stop thinking everyone needs to share your fake ass morals and values. i don't understand why it's so hard for y'all to grasp the fact that some people do in fact, enjoy what they do, regardless of how 'immoral' or 'unconventional' or 'sinful' you think it is, or how society views them. not everyone feels the need to be ashamed of their interests, just cause you think they should be. and even if there was more to her story, it's definitely not up to you to come up with all sorts of rubbish explanations about why she enjoys the things she does, you don't know her. like all of a sudden everyone is a therapist in the comments? wtf. and it's disgusting how some of you are trying to dissect the things she says, and creating a negative meaning behind it, cause you can't stand the fact that she's fine with her choices, and owns the fact that she's viewed as a 'slut' and a 'whore'. like why should she feel ashamed? cause you say so? it might be unethical to you, but who gives a fuck, keep all that moral bs to yourself. you're making your choices in life and she's unapologetically making hers. I'm sure y'all would've loved the video more if she had a traumatic sob story about why she is the way she is and how she hates herself and what she does, cause I'm sure that would satisfy whatever weird ''fatherless, unhappy, self-hating, love-less'' fantasy, y'all generally have about sex-workers and people who are hypersexual. some people like ''sex, lust and depravity'', get over it. and no one's forcing you to like those things so why are you so bothered, that someone else does. you don't need to support her career choice, but we are all fucking humans and we deserve to be treated as such, and respected.

id: 1344648 - Text: This video is one long advertisement for Kazumi's website. And Mark is hardly a neutral interviewer; he thinks it’s “amazing” whenever anyone enjoys weird and degrading sexual activity, as long as everyone is following the Almighty Law of Consent. He doesn’t seem to care that someone’s hedonistic fun now could result in terrible consequences later, not just for them individually but for society at large.

id: 1344710 - Text: intimacy is great.. adventures with expression in that way is fine... I just hope she never catches anything.. because testing- often -can be after the fact. So just be safe out there. I raised children and was strict.. they are wise young adults..and u know kids ultimately do whatever they want. U can teach a lot or nothing at all.. they will choose to be wild if they want. Because everybody has a diff make up, life path. I like how she said as long as youre with people that are respecting u.tru. good video
