31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1345987 - Text: Who googled her immediately after this video 😂

id: 1346030 - Text: After this video her parents will definitely find out...

id: 1346071 - Text: Someone find me her videos lol

id: 1346121 - Text: @28:01 the guy mark talks about comments being more about the person making comments is one of the biggest bowl of horsesh*t. If he has an issue with people making comments about that 304, then don’t post the video.

id: 1346122 - Text: So that Cherdleys video was based on real life, I see.

id: 1346135 - Text: 😂 Was that near the end of the video when she took her top off? Cuz I couldn’t pay attention either.

id: 1346223 - Text: So thankful you could tell me what she actually meant to say. Most of my education comes from the comments in Youtube videos. I'm not sure why libraries, schools and teachers are even needed.

id: 1346261 - Text:  @Mia-qt4th  the podcast of Leo and Danny, also has appeared in a few of his videos.

id: 1346300 - Text: Kazumi, from what I infer, wants to normalise expressing subconscious desires which are in 90% of the cases sexual in nature. That's because we us humans primarily store trauma in our reproductive regions/areas in the brain. And anything to do with sex is considered hush-hush in our society so imagine 90% of us shame ourselves for having kinks. If I were to do a Jungian analysis, she is basically promoting sexual healing - healing your traumas (which don't necessarily have to be of sexual nature but can manifest in your sexual habits and proclivities) through your sexuality. For a person like her who had to repress her freedom (towards normal human interaction, not just sex) for 19 years, it will be very healing for her to have a lot of sex and all kinds of sex. For a girl, it's important to have decent and frequent male-female interactions to develop a healthy sense of self worth. From what she says, she might have grown up feeling undesirable because her parents didn't allow her to have healthy male female interactions... this takes a major hit on one's self worth and sex can heal this aspect of self worth. Now she not only has sex with a lot of men, she eats and has regular interactions with them too because that's exactly what she needed as a child but was not provided by her parents. I have a strong feeling Kazumi might change how she feels about sex around the age of 30-35, or at least the casualness of it. I feel by then she will have healed and learnt all she needs to, to find dignity in her choices. All she is asking from society in general is some dignity as a woman who wants to give herself the love her parents failed to give her and I 100% am with her. This is an incredible woman who gave an incredible video :)

id: 1346303 - Text: I have two teenage boys and a teenage daughter. This is a huge problem in today’s society. This generation is desensitized to sex and have no moral responsibility to what they say and what they do. She is so smart and she knows what she is doing by marketing herself in this video but no one likes a gang bang and if she does she is not ok. She wants respect and deserves it but then she says she like triple dicks in her ass. She calls herself a gross sex worker fuck bag. Then says she wants respect? I am scared for this generation if she thinks that she is not compromising her values she is not right. She is compromising every moral value and every personal responsibility that asks for respect. Loving urself and loving sex can be a good thing without compromising ur life by being humble and there is a thing as an afterlife and a soul and u need to nurture that a love that and by saying and doing this and saying u love it is a lie she tells herself everyday to feel better. None of this is awesome and she doesnt know real peace or make perfect sense. This is a sad story and a really telling story of what people are allowed to do in this world that sets aside ur soul and a morality. She talks about value and has no idea how she is devaluing herself. She can be financially stable doing other things and calling urself a whore and liking it is not right. This is wrong on so many levels ….
