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id: 1347825 - Text: Mr. M Right! Like how can you assume peoples skin color and then say “don’t assume anything about the color of my skin”? I’m confused as to why he made it about race. People were mad because of Marks tone in the video. This has nothing to do about race.

id: 1347838 - Text: To everyone who has shown love, I wish it back on you 100 fold. To everyone who has been accusatory, I will paraphrase the end of Hbomberguy's video on flat earthers: there are horrific things happening in the world. You are right to question. Maybe keep looking for the answer, though, because it isn't what you've landed on.

id: 1347842 - Text: He wasnt giving direction, he was giving orders, and it was not even necessary in this case because the mask was not interfering with the telling of her story which should be the whole point of this series. He is controlling and I see an element of that in all the videos, this just explicitly put that on display. If you cant see that you are the problem.

id: 1347864 - Text: Him asking her to put the mask away was so irrelevant and such a tiny part of this video that I didn't even remember seeing/hearing or know it happened until I read the comments and had to go back and replay it to see it. He didn't say it in any negative way shape or form what so ever! Did you guy's ever think that he puts a lot of time, work, money and effort into his video's and her having it dangling from her finger didn't really look that good or professional at all in this video and him allowing it is the same. Does anyone even care about the bigger picture here on why these video's are made & how these people need help and someone watching could possibly help or he's trying to show other's that there's more to these people than their mistakes and get their stories out to make other's aware of all this, and y'all are worried about a damn mask that he very nicely with NO attitude what so ever asked to be put away?! If anyone here should be criticized it should be all of the people on here making this whole video based YOUR FEELINGS on her fkng mask, and him having his own damn reason why he asked for it to be put away, and taking away from HER situation and the reasoning of why he does what he does. If you put all the time money and effort, as he does, to make a documentary about a very serious matter and the person you're interviewing is dangling a face mask from their finger the whole time, you wouldn't think that it wouldn't really look too good or look professionally done and as seriously taken as it should and ask for it to be put away? It wasn't even out for long and already so many are making this about the damn mask and him respectively asking her to put it away instead of the whole reasoning behind this video and herself. Stop being so fkng petty my god smh it's like no matter what good you do, you can't please some of you selfish, childish people and those people always just look for something, anything to complain about just to make shit controversial that shouldn't be. This is NOT about YOUR feelings as to please only YOU, it's about HER feelings and what SHE is going through. It is not made for YOUR comfort. Wtf is wrong with you people. Now if he just walked right past her and not try to help & get her story out then you would be ok with that? Y'all don't make no fkng sense and sound so childish right now. Grow the fk up, just because YOU feel some way about something or YOU disagree about something doesn't make you right OR give you the right to subject the rest of us to your negative bullshit and try to distract from the person who it's supposed to be about and make it about YOUR feelings about the most petty shit that don't even have shit to do with what the fkng video is about! Smfh.

id: 1347865 - Text:  @UsernameUnkwn21  then don't fkng watch it! Just because YOU feel some type away doesn't mean the rest of us have to. These video's are not about how you feel they're about how the people he is interviewing feel and about getting their story out there to make other people aware of the fact that they are human beings too and in hope's of someone out there that could possibly help and change their life like they do a lot of other's in these video's. So marks "rudeness" and video's actually does help people like the one guy who viewer's bought a home for and got the rent paid for and bought clothes, shoes and food and everything he needed. These video's aren't based on your feelings toward Mark, there is actually a bigger picture here. If you don't like them then don't watch them and then start making negative comments about him trying to portray him him as something he is not to the rest of us viewer's who actually give a shit as to why he does this. Just because you are selfish and are more worried about YOUR feelings on him doesn't mean you need to subject us to your negative bullshit.

id: 1347869 - Text: Soft White Underbelly Did they hit a nerve Mark ? Did you actually think you could post a video without some backlash ? “COME ON” whether you doing this for good or bad everybody’s got something to say.

id: 1347881 - Text: People online love to throw shade and spread hate. I have now watched nearly all your videos and I think you are amazing. You can tell many of the interviewees think the world of you, and even the ones who aren’t as outwardly showing their appreciation for you, I’ve gotten the impression they seek you out to talk. When I say that you help these folks it isn’t always with apartments, cash, tents, food, etc, but the opportunity to to talk. I can’t remember the guy but it was one I just saw recently and he just kept thanking you for letting him get it all out ( maybe Jim, a homeless gentleman). Keep up the great work. I donated this month and am going to try to monthly.

id: 1347884 - Text:  @melissab4120  Yes! I believe there's a group of people who have a few issues of their own and they are Quick to project their feelings on this channel. If these videos trigger them, then they should be wise enough to NOT watch. Mark conducted TWO interviews that day. Go watch the Follow-Up interview with IVY, she was interviewed the same day, minutes apart from this interview with Tiffani. Mark was NOT having an off day.

id: 1347913 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  I don’t necessarily think it’s what you said, it’s more of how you said it. Also, yes this is an interview about a women who prostitutes but for the first few seconds of the video no one is going to know a preview of her life, because the questions haven’t been asked yet. So for you to justify yourself by taking the issue off of you and more on to her issues, just looks a way. Not here to judge and I do appreciate your videos, however, I would take this as more of constructive criticism rather than thinking people are attacking you.

id: 1347918 - Text:  @feefeelewis3216  That part. I'm legit 1 min and a few seconds into this video and he abruptly says "can we put the mask away" and I'm hearing other people saying she was rude out the gate. Like dude just admit you were wrong and keep it pushing. To bring race and all of this irrelevant stuff to dismiss your rudeness is not cool. Like, honestly what was the issue with her playing with her mask? Especially since she's not swinging it and be overly obnoxious with it. Get it together.
