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id: 1350172 - Text: I watched the first video and KNEW she was a hustler. She had that look on her face that she was getting over on the interviewer (Mark). This is easy money for them both.

id: 1350174 - Text: Wow, and I was feeling sorry for that little fibber in the other video of her! 😤 It looks like she has a very loving concerned mother and they look alike.

id: 1350186 - Text: Some y'aal are so judgemental about the mother. Fact is, teens are unpredictable AF and do stupid things coz they're so impressionable. The girl is an excellent liar. You'd get that from watching the first video. Think about the mother having to watch her daughter on Youtube saying that her father beat her (the mother) to death. Heartbreaking.

id: 1350198 - Text:  @mattt484  The way Harmonie explained “losing her virginity” sounded a lot like rape and it happened while she was at home. Parents have to take care of their children by law, the mom had been involved with social services (something that wouldn’t have happened if the mom had been doing what she was supposed to be doing) before. So “bothering to look” doesn’t mean that she cares, just that she doesn’t want prosecution. Yeah the girl lies in every video. Other than a real mom being very concerned about that and wanting to get her mental help (something she never mentions) the lying wasn’t created in a vacuum. Either she 1.) learned to lie from the people at home 2.) learned to lie to protect someone in the home 3.) is experiencing dissociation which is generally caused by trauma. Either way none of it reflects good on the mom. Yeah the way she was lying was really extreme but becoming homeless and being a prostitute are also very extreme for a 13-year-old girl (some of you are talking about her as if she is 20 and not middle school age). A little girl from a healthy family doesn’t go to that extreme out of “rebellion” or “fun”. She had to learn it from somewhere so I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if her mom is a prostitute and that’s where she learned it.

id: 1350199 - Text:  @MsFlamingFlamer  The girl never mentions or even hints at anything to do with rape. That's a considerably wide speculation on your part. And I do agree that parents have to take care of their children by law. Which is exactly what hers have been doing. Sometimes it is easier to lay blame somewhere (anywhere really) when we don't understand people's actions but here's what I deduce from all the hard evidence in the videos- Hermione has two loving parents and heralds from a great home. There was no other reason for her to stick to her recanted statement of loving parents, even when she has been legally taken from them and was not under their control. Your scant explanation of her pathological lying fails to mention the most obvious reason- her need for attention. The reason why a majority of self-oriented teens like her compulsively lie is to create a false image that is more appealing to their peers. And yes, her rebellion does appear extreme but notice that she's not suffering. She seems completely taken with the fast life and money. Notice that when asked about the advice she would give other teens considering joining, she gives them tips on how to get the best out of prostitution instead of warning them not to join. She has obviously been seduced by the life. The only people to blame are the peers who pressured her into the life, and the pimp. And I'd advise you to use the facts presented in the video. Be objective and avoid the bias you may feel against her mom. It's totally unfair to even suggest that a hard-working mother is a prostitute!! The audacity though

id: 1350204 - Text: ​ @MsFlamingFlamer  Do you have any idea how easy it is to lose custody of a child? The girl effectually sealed the deal from the first time she opened her mouth in the interview. Imagine the parents of the girl, busy trying to look for a runaway daughter, hoping and praying she would come back home after she's done acting out. To their utter shock, the next they see their daughter is in an interview, telling lies about EVERYTHING. Literally. From her age, background, how long she's been prostituting...My God, she even drags her baby sister into it, alleging that she's prostituting as well. How can you even justify that? Of course, you don't expect the authorities to remain silent on the matter, especially after the video blew up as it did. Since justice must be seen to be done, (not just done), custody was taken to prevent a public outcry. I am not blaming the girl wholly for how she ended up, but she bears a fraction of the responsibility. She broke her family. And many hearts along with it. Understand that not all children rebel by smoking weed, partying, sneaking around, etc. Some cases are more severe than others. Thousands of teens commit suicide each year because of such trivial matters that it's hard to comprehend. Most come from functional, loving families. The girl's case is no different. Some children are just more difficult and act out more than others. And by the way, I still insist that you quit making the preposterous allegations about her mother being a prostitute and pimping her. They are baseless and quite frankly in bad taste.

id: 1350221 - Text: The first interview was easy to see she was playing a role like she study what to say , probably watches your other videos and that’s why she need the right things to say , but honestly she needs to be take. Away for her mom children runways sometimes but going to sell their selfs on the streets there is something really traumatic going on mentally all the mom cares about is making sure she looks good clearing her name

id: 1350261 - Text: I feel like there are a lot more lies said in this video than in previous one. Poor child, this is all so wrong. 😢

id: 1350275 - Text: I am not liking this mother...stone cold and very concerned about what the videos are doing to her image. I don't see warmth and love from her.

id: 1350279 - Text: Exactly. Thank you. Mom acts like she’s hiding something. I couldn’t imagine acting the way the mom does in this video if I had a 13-year-old actually do this. Like WTH
