31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1350428 - Text: She was so believable in that video where she said her name was Chyna. I saw the whole video and believed everything, this is a shock to me. She's definitely clever for her age.

id: 1350433 - Text: the mom annoys me so much with her attitude and everything she's saying but honestly my mom says similar things acts the same way when im in trouble and we're talking in front of other people. i can see me an my moms relationship so well in this video and i react the same way that the girl does

id: 1350439 - Text: I have to echo what many of you have said in the comments: something is wrong here! Anyone who study bodylanguage can you guide us and timeline anything that might concern you from experience? Is there anything in this video that is reassuring? What can we do to investigate?

id: 1350452 - Text: Definitely more to this story .. she might’ve lied about her parents, but she’s having a hard time clearing up her so called lies .. in this update video. Harmonie is trying to protect someone.

id: 1350472 - Text: If I didn’t know better, I would have thought that was a different person ‘Chyna’ in that previous video - I think for her to run away and take on that personification so well at that age is a bit scary- yes- she was willing to take it that far and you could tell from both videos that she didn’t quite understand the danger in the game she was playing but was willing to play it non the less- she is a manipulative, pathological liar and an attention seeking narcissist. Can you imagine being a mom, working your ass off and have a daughter that responds by running away and becoming a prostitute? Then the mom finds out by a viral video that’s filled with lies degrading the family- I don’t know- she seems like a selfish brat that can’t be left alone or she’ll leave and seek attention any way possible causing grief to everyone involved - especially herself. She’s lucky she didn’t get herself killed.

id: 1350509 - Text: from watching the first video alone to this one i see her totally different when her mom is around.. this girl has bruises on he skin i feel she was being beaten way to much.. theres something trully wrong wit this situation..her mom says she is traveling hair dresser really she not working for famous people is she? sounds like to me the mom is in the game 13 how did this lil girl get a ticket to travel Kansas to Los Angles. i'm not understanding.. first the mom said i brought her out here to be with me to get away from KS drama then she turn round and say me an the dad an our 8 yr old live together in KS. the mom cut her off a lot of times to keep her from tellin the truth or her truth many times. wouldn't let her hand go a classic sign of controlling a subject like a pimp does his hoes.. theres so many holes in this story its ridiculous..

id: 1350531 - Text: The mom coached her into how to act on this interview just like how she probably coached her how to act when she’s out there making money to bring back home. I strongly believe this mom had been sending her daughter out there long before those 3 months. Even if she wasn’t sending her out there she knew where she was going and was okay with it. The fact that this girl doesn’t have a pimp is alarming. Is her mom her pimp? It’s almost impossible to be a renegade without someone watching over you and making sure your good. At one point the mom went on a little rant about how men ain’t shit and you have to be independent almost as if she was referring to pimps. When she talked about traveling for her “business” she told her daughter “you can’t come every time.” I feel like they go make money together and bond through that and when the mother leaves without her the daughter said she feels alone and confused as in she has to go out and make money by herself. The fact that her mom keeps bringing up her wanting “attention” gives off jealousy vibes too. And in the last video the daughter said her pimp gets all her money but she gets whatever she wants whenever at all times and is well taken care of. 9 times out of 10 a pimp wants to take as much as they can from you and leave you with the bare minimum or enough to be comfortable because they are very selfish individuals. Was she referring to her mom?? That holding hands shit was a way for her mom to intimidate her into saying the right things. I have females close to me that are in this business and I feel like I can read this mother/daughter relationship like a book. Sad and I hope this little girl gets away from this lady as fast as she could or someone turns her in.

id: 1350533 - Text: i watched the first video and was like she look like my sis 🤣🤣🤣 whole time it was herrrr !!! harmonie wth girl

id: 1350535 - Text: The first video came up via the algorithm. I didn’t watch it because the title sounded heartbreaking. I was dead-on with my assumption. However, I would suggest that producers blur out the minors. If she is successful at moving on, it would not help that a video like this is out… where someone could recognize her and create another obstacle that might convince her to go back to that life. She already mentioned people back in Kansas commenting on it.

id: 1350538 - Text: She is so much more nervous and unable to get her thoughts together than the first video. Something is super wrong with this mom. She didnt turn to the streets at 13 because she had a good childhood…she almost admitted she was molested but she couldn’t.
