58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 8850 - Text: I really wish this man well. There is more to this story. Sounds like he has a sex addiction also.

id: 8867 - Text:  @OggeViking  a trick is someone who does sexual acts for money or drugs

id: 8871 - Text: D-Row no someone who pays for someone else to do sexual acts for money

id: 8875 - Text:  @lesliefroelich4144  trick is slang, short for tricking off or in other words spending your money on somebody usually for sexual acts but could be just for attention etc etc

id: 8879 - Text: I think he definitely held out on wat type of sex he likes....he thought of it and just say....thats so fuckn disgusting man

id: 8888 - Text: I can completely understand how drugs make you hang with some unsavory folks cause you feel like that's what you are too. The kinky sex thing too, I was a meth addict for 25 yrs, been clean 15, I'm here to tell you, You cant get love until you love yourself, you will search your whole life and never get it, because you have no concept or experience to recognize what it looks like love you. You are worthy to be loved, because you exist, love yourself man, we all have flaws live and learn.

id: 8929 - Text: For his situation, in the moment you don’t think of it as such, many time we don’t even notice the affects until we get older and understand life more. So as it registers in your mind, it was a great childhood. I remember being 4/5 playing house/school with a friend and she briefly performed oral sex on me. I didn’t grow up traumatized, nor did I go through a points where I questioned my sexuality. But I do find women attractive. I’ve never been with a woman in any sexual way, don’t ever plan on it. But one may say that I subconsciously was affected by that... or is it a natural fact that women are simply attractive. Idk. Some things are so minute that you don’t realize that it even truly affected you until life shows you.

id: 8992 - Text: I wonder if he’s had help for sex addiction aswell?

id: 9059 - Text: You are not disgusting. Sex is complicated even if one doesn’t have an addiction. I send you a big hug, cheer up.

id: 9227 - Text: I have known so many crack addict ls , and so many of them sound exactly like him. They have the same sexual pull the moment they take the first hit. It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen . I was a heroin addicted in the midst of crack addicts. So I was a more coherent than they were , I would nod out , but it was like crack made people loose their minds. I learned years later I was bipolar and self medicating. I am now on methidone, and bringing my dose down every 2 weeks. It’s a hard thing to stop , but I refuse to be the person I once was . My life is so dramatically different now. Life is worth living now .
