31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1351035 - Text: Yo, yall got to realize children would lie and do the worst to get attention and be out there. I'm thinking some of yall don't got brothers and sisters, or cousins that did wild shit shit like this. Yall need to stop coming down so hard on the mother in the comments like she the problem when you dont know. Whole time, the kid can just be acting out. Now that being said,...I do think the kid been affected by something she not speaking about so it's warranted. But you don't really know, and when she did talk about fig and the prostitution in the last video, she was a bit knowledgeable. So she definitely did some shit. But I still see a kid that's acting out in a major way. Yall keep talking about body language and how the mom holding her hand and coaching her,......cut it out! My sis would literally act the same way if her and my mom was sitting there, and she ain't been thru have the shit this kid been thru. But I do think the young lady is smart, mature and immature in way. Hopefully they both get right.

id: 1351037 - Text: I’m sure it stems from her own trauma & experience, but mom just strikes me as pathologically disconnected from this child. It’s so upsetting (and personally triggering) to hear mom scold a 13-year-old child for not properly internalizing the lessons of self-love she taught her and falling prey to a pimp (?!). This isn’t a 17-old-getting caught ditching school or smoking weed—this is a literal child who was routinely raped for profit. She needs to be held while she sobs, not lectured. I’m also wondering why we’re glossing over the fact that mom “lost” (Harmonie’s words) her two years ago, and how that factors in to this picture. At the very end of the video, Harmonie adds, “But she lost me two years ago,” and in the last video, she said she ran away from placement, not her mother’s custody. The entire child welfare system is definitely racist (not interested in debating that—it’s a fact), but she wouldn’t have been in placement at thirteen for no reason at all. All that to say, like everyone has said, it sounds like there is so much more to the story that she needs to talk about… and ideally to a licensed therapist, not a camera.

id: 1351080 - Text: This mother is shite, she is sat next to her 13 year old daughter, rolling her eyes and calling her an attention seeker. It's like the child has been pre warned what to say. Wouldn't surprise me if the mother is a prostitute and the dad is a pimp. Regardless if the child has lied, at all, about anything, she is 13 years old, running away from home on a regular basis and on a YouTube video. And her mother is sat besides her showing no emotion and talking to her as if she is 40 years old bring up past grievances. Any normal mother would be heartbroken knowing their 13 year old had experienced such horrible things a child should never experience. She should be angry at all these men - paedophile men, that have taken advantage of her young child, angry at herself and feeling deep guilt that she might have played a part in it. Poor kid, never stood a chance :(

id: 1351085 - Text: in my opinion, this is a mother who just wants to live her life and wants her child to leave her alone. i can recognize the phony “affectionate” hand holding. they have no relationship with each other. the mother is saying what she thinks a mother should say and the girl, well she is a lot more outgoing than i ever was, so its hard trying to analyze her based off my own personal experiences. i just know what its like to be completely disconnected from ur mother and their energy in this video is the embodiment of that.

id: 1351095 - Text: I believe mom wanted to clear her name and was implicit in her daughter switching the story around. They’re hiding something and trying to look like everything is normal for the camera. Watching all the videos for this one but I don’t believe the mom for a second. No empathy, no love in her voice. Her mom seems robotic almost

id: 1351121 - Text: Mom really has the questions and then the podcast ideas all lined up. Can’t help but wonder if that little girl studied that role for the video - was she ever really with a pimp?? Maybe mama likes the attention as much as she does? 🤔🤔🤔🤷🏻‍♀️

id: 1351122 - Text: I would have felt better if she acknowledged her lying to Mark and apologizing or something. Clearly this girl was molested, prolly father, who should be in prison (lie last video), mom did nothing (mom dead to her at that point, lie last video), age lie, baby lie, I don’t know how Mark finds it in him to do more of these. Very sad and hard to watch.

id: 1351164 - Text: I was confused after watching the first video and even MORE confused after watching this. Does anyone sense a lot is not being said?

id: 1351171 - Text: I believed her on the other video but now that she's saying a complete different story while looking all around her, taking her mother's hand and stuff... I can't believe she wasn't manipulated or manipulating on this one.

