31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1351529 - Text: All right I not going to finish this video she is delusional I don’t believe anything she says anymore 🙄🙄🙄

id: 1351545 - Text: I knew something was really off....when asked what Drugs she was on {first video} and her answer was, "only Weed, that's all " ?? Because the majority of Prostitutes ARE on Drugs!!! I hope this Mother & especially the Daughter Truly Heal with Therapy ect.....Blessings🤗💕✌🏼 "

id: 1351546 - Text: I think she has a seemingly good philosophy, like she's trying to help.. the mom..... Maybe???? I skipped around and got confused because of the lie she told and the name changes in the video. So I watched the newest one where she is pregnant before this. Harmonie said she is a Scorpio and her mom is an Aquarius. Speaking from a pisces - cap mother daughter relationship I can see how even tho Harmonie doesn't want to blame her mother for anything she still may be the cause of a lot of her suffering. Her being an Aquarius and my own mom being a Cap I know how having that distant Saturn energy can cause trauma. I also know a how having Scorpio energy in your chart can make you see everything as doom and gloom sometimes it's hard to see past all the rain. And I know about being a sensitive watery child and not having the nurturance I longed for. BUT! I Do think her mom is maybe hiding something. I did see how Harmonie stopped herself from saying something else (molested, beaten?) And you can tell she probably went over talking points with her before hand. I slightly resonate with Harmonie with the cold mother thing... But there is a huge disconnect because I didn't start turning tricks... She did. I think there is more to all of it.. especially how in the newer video how she talks about being rapped and it doesn't seem to weigh that heavy to her... Maybe she's been there before and like always because of mom... I'll dismiss my feelings if this because it's too much. For me anyways.... This is sad because I always live in Kansas City.

id: 1351557 - Text: Yeah I mean they obviously wanted to set the story straight I don't know if coerced is the right word I mean Imagine One Day the entire neighborhood says look at this video how much of this is true and I don't care how big a city is a neighborhood is a tiny environment and repercussions are instant and can almost never be reconciled with the truth so what would you do in this situation I mean for god sakes people go on the Jerry Springer Show or murry to set things straight and get it on record shame is an interesting motivator and I use the word shame because the mother obviously feels that although she should have done a better job interjecting when the child said placement to explain how she is responsible for placement of her child with the government of all things instead of showing up in African Garb and talking about Kings

id: 1351563 - Text: :( as mom this breaks my heart. A lot these videos break my heart.

id: 1351575 - Text: I can imagine in the generation of Camera's and you tube famous, these children dont know how to compartmentalize sexuality and youth. That mother could be trying to educate her child on her reputation and how they could effect their entire family. I did feel she spoke in the fist video like an eloquent child, raised well. Not someone being raised the way she described

id: 1351588 - Text: The mom just came to clear her and the dads name, just because everyone back home found out about the video. The mother has no care for this child

id: 1351604 - Text: The first video had untold truths, and this videos has even more..I’m as ready for part 3, as she is too hear the whole truth..❕

id: 1351611 - Text: Whenever I need to interview a child & the parent is present, I never ever let the parent hold the child's hand like that. I think this is the 3rd video I've seen where 1 person is holding the other person's hand in their lap - the other one was a pimp/prostitute & 3rd one was a homeless couple with addiction and the boyfriend was a toxic narcissist. These are power dynamics & in every one of those situations the holding of the hand is a way of control - squeeze the hand as a reminder of a rehearsed answer to a sensitive question or to get them to stop talking about something - all while attempting to manipulate and pretend it's a close, healthy and loving relationship. If I'd had to guess, I'd assume the father has beat the mom & when she said he killed her, it wasnt literal, although it probably felt like he did kill her mom in a sense at times. The 1st interview puts bad light on the family & dad made mom come to "clear the air." Dad could be abusing her too & mom may not know the extent of the abuse if it's happening while she's out working. So she ran away & found herself in this situation. She's 13 & speaks like someone who had to grow up too fast. The mom portrayed the home as a healthy home with a happy mom/dad relationship. 13 year old kids don't run away and get involved in what she's doing if they came from the type of family/home this mom's trying to portray.

id: 1351634 - Text: The people saying that the mother is only here to clear her name I think you watch a video for a few minutes. You make a judgment about what you think this family is that is wrong and disrespectful because we don’t know the day today we only know what we see. I wish them the best because the child's wellness is the most important thing.
