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id: 1351656 - Text: Something happened, or started happening, around grade 5/6. She said that's when she started fighting and getting in trouble in school the most. I agree with you, that the lies she told about her parents in the first video are telling as to what she feels about them. There's a lot to unpack here but it all probably started around 5th grade, maybe during the summer between the two grades. I think she was coached as to what to say, she clearly feels her mother doesn't pay attention to her (which is obvious by her mother's responses but that could be a product of her mother's upbringing) and her mother was very leading. I would be very interested to see what she would say without her mother present. Unfortunately, police can't just go start asking questions of this family unless Harmonie says something, even if her body language and mannerisms scream that something more is going on here.

id: 1351658 - Text: You completely read my mind. Everything I wanted to comment on based on the 1st video, you had here. And I'm certain of it.

id: 1351661 - Text: Watch about 16:30 when mother starts talking about the "network" she's going to get her back involved with. The girl goes pure still and looks like she's gonna cry more than any other time during the whole video. Also look at the end of the first vid. "If I see a black man I'm walking away unless he's a Real old black man". She getting molested by someone there.

id: 1351681 - Text: I feel like this video is the bullshit and the mom is full of shit. This is sad bro. Mark I really feel like you should talk to her off camera and get the real story. This baby has some heavy stuff she's carrying.

id: 1351682 - Text: I don't believe anything they are saying. She lied the first time, They may not be her mom at all. One more point. why do people say your so beautiful? Cant we try to save some ugly girls? It's just as much of a shame to me if they are ugly or cute. This is a fucked up country we live in today. all the way around. Even the good guys want to exploit you, more so if your cute. Hell the man making these videos is exploiting them.. am I lying?

id: 1351757 - Text: This is really off-putting to me. Her mother speaks in such emotionless way. I feel like the daughter was so not herself. She hardly smiled like she did in the past video and she is acting clueless and not really speaking her mind. Whatever her mom says she agrees fast and tries to add on but it just sounds so disconnected because none of it seems genuine. I’m so confused. She’s talking to her daughter in a tone that’s more like reprimanding. Her mother seems so cold. And she keeps saying attention like instead of attention try love, safety, being seen and validated.

id: 1351768 - Text: After watching the whole video I now question whether the mother actually wants to spend more time with her daughter. Very sad.

id: 1351777 - Text: Her” mom “ coached her into this if you’ll notice she starts repeating things. She’s covering up for some one who hurt her daughter which could be why she was running away. She looks down a lot. Why this woman asking these questions ….. I know this old but it’s where the other video cause she said she was hurting herself

id: 1351787 - Text: I have no idea how you’re calling this kid intelligent. Not one moment in this video nor the previous one did she come off as any form of intelligent. She needs serious help.

id: 1351801 - Text:  @davidwavidshmavider  the mom wont even let her hand go the whole video,moms like remember who your sitting next when you speak! Shes deff being controlled in some way
