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id: 1351816 - Text: She just admitted to lying about everything during the first few minutes of the video. Including her father murdering her mother.

id: 1351817 - Text: Her mom is in on it. A few friends of mine happen to know them/that family, and yes horrible horrible things are done by this “mother”. She tried to pimp her out before starting when she was 11, the mom should be in jail for life, but she acts innocent in public. She threatens other family members for saying they are going to speak up, she says that her multiple boyfriends from the gang she is in will murder them all. So yeah…Mom is the problem here 100% and everything in this video was a lie from her.

id: 1351818 - Text:  @BigMonksmiles  It reminded me of the video with the pimp Master J and his Bottom B Little Mama. It's a certain type of grip that looks endearing on the outside, but is like a leash on a dog...

id: 1351833 - Text: Yep she’s a trafficking victim - child sex trafficking and this is exactly how it goes down. These people on this comment thread have sad levels of ignorance about child sex trafficking. This girl needs a supervised environment. Full stop. Her mother needs help on how to mother. She’s very disconnected. Generational trauma sucks. Without a specific trafficking recovery program, it is nearly guaranteed she will immediately get preyed upon by another trafficker. They know immediately when they see a child who’s already been “broken in”, and they look for kids just like her, first. I’m a survivor. I was young when it started, trusted adult male extended family member. Very common. This whole “boyfriend” trafficker dynamic this girl was groomed with us another very common scenario. People are so ignorant. This is a very VERY LEGITIMATE survivor story. The Stockholm syndrome/trauma bond/brainwashing is extreme. People actually think that a child dealing with sexual slavery trauma needs to be in tears, openly exposing her vulnerability. Survivors that make it long term after child trafficking are those of us whose neurological/brain response is to container-ize the trauma, shield up and armor up, try to bury it and just move forward from it. Therapy is critical. Without a supervised trafficking recovery program, sadly this girls chances of getting trafficked again are very high. This video violates both her rights as a minor victim, AND puts her in very serious harms way. Other traffickers will ABSOLUTELY be lined-up to approach her. From the second she gets back to Kansas. People need to be educated, experienced professionals to engage with HT survivors in any way- let alone like this on a platform. If her former trafficker and his gang find this, and her, the outcome for her and her whole family could be absolutely tragic. Traffickers see these girls at that age (the most requested ages by grown men for prostitution are ages 13-15 nowadays!! Over ANY age group - (men have degraded into pedophilia, it is sickening), and what a trafficker cares about is the $300Gs a year of 99% pure profit he just lost when this girl got out of his grasp. MOST children are deceased within five years. Never seen ever again. This video is totally an example of how lack of education and expertise, and “unintended” serious harm happens in vulnerable populations. This little girl should NOT EVER be answering ANY questions or speaking with ANY adult male- about any of her experiences of an exploitative sexually abusive nature. She can’t even look at him because she’s a LITTLE GIRL with a damned adult male stranger engaging in a totally inappropriate conversation with her. Way to reinforce predatory grooming practices, bruh. We don’t ever have girl survivors matched with ANY adult males for ANYTHING ever in rescue/recovery/support in CSET…! Not even therapists!! Women only- and ALWAYS ALWAYS survivor leader expert -advocates are sought after to be brought in and work with these girls, and always present at any interview/even with law enforcement and attorneys. Child survivor’s brain functions are thrown into a trauma trigger state around adult men. It’s very destabilizing for them. The whole damn reason she “seems so mature for her age”- which this foolish interviewer mentions to her, no less, is because she has been TAUGHT how to ACT around grown men. Taught what they respond to, want, like, and how to make them feel related to an at ease… (with their sickness…) It is NOT healthy OR productive to have her in ANY space where she shifts into victimization/adult role play mode. EVER. He also keeps reinforcing HARMFUL myths to her… Very much a NO NO NO, TF NOoooo with these kiddos. Statements which place ANY blame on her at age thirteen will absolutely do NOTHING but shame her, and prevent her healing. This whole “you have so much going for you, you’re so mature,” nonsense is literally the VERY stuff that should NOT be said to these survivors. Positive reinforcement of them NOT acting exactly how a thirteen year old child SHOULD be acting- Immaturely- because they are indeed a juvenile and NOT mature, reassures her that trying to be a “grown woman” is a highly desirable trait. Girls of color are especially pressured and seen as “mature” and are sexualized and trafficked at the highest rates. Black, mixed, indigenous, LatinX/Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern, Islander, Mediterranean girls are all heavily sought after as “exotic” fetishes and seen as sexually viable “women” to FAR too many men, especially in countries with a lot of white men. I’m mixed race and sadly fit into that category and heard grown man after grown man talk about my “exotic looks/eyes/hair/bodily features”- it is a sick world out there. These are NOT teenage prostitutes. These are child sex trafficking victims/survivors. They are severely harmed and abused children. I know the kinds of absolutely degrading and dehumanizing things this child has been through and is NOT opening-up about. It took me over twenty years to ever be able to talk about actual incidents and the worst trauma. The feelings of shame and worthlessness she’s experienced cannot be described. She’s great at masking. I was the same way. Still am, but it helps me stay together to help others now.

id: 1351876 - Text: I’m very interested in what marks thoughts were putting this video up…I was not even 5 minutes in & could clearly see there is something going on with the mother. She sounds very coached & “placement” suggests shes familiar with the foster care system. Shes clearly lying, so is her mother. Im slightly upset mark even posted this.

id: 1351890 - Text: This doesn’t even seem like the same girl from the last video, she’s seems so naive and child like here but in the other video she was so well versed and had answers for everything.

id: 1351909 - Text:  @bluelight8664  you're here watching the video and commenting like everyone else.

id: 1351936 - Text: Her mom is here now. She is not quite as bold as in the previous video, because her mom is right there. It's obvious. She is also dressed as a child would, because, again, she is off the streets and with her mom.

id: 1351940 - Text: Yeah I watched so many videos like this especially how toxic parents would do certain majorisms and gestures to control their children into saying stuff they want them to say while inflicting fear

id: 1351944 - Text: I am so mad at this girl for telling such an elaborate lie in the last video. She is just giving excuses. She sure will go back to the streets even if her mum spends 24/7 with her. She will say her mum was toxic. She is not talking yet.she is a BAD child
