31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1353062 - Text: They both look like children in the thumbnail. I had to watch the 1st video to know it’s her “mom”. This looked like a self promo video. Giving me Lil Tay vibes but people do just have weird energy. Idk 🤷🏽‍♀️ but something is definitely afoot.

id: 1353081 - Text: 🤣 what video did you watch ?

id: 1353092 - Text:  @1Dispretty2me  how is that a disgusting comment? It’s disgusting to lie about your mother passing away like it’s nothing for thousands of individuals to believe, She clearly needed a horrific story so she came up with the most worst things she could think of to gain sympathy from the viewers so that her story could seem more real & us as viewers would understand why she was doing what she was doing “prostituting” which was all not true. I’m sure she hurt her mother & embarrassed her in a major way. She didn’t think the videos would go viral and people she knew would see them so she had no choice to come clean so please my comment was no where near disgusting. She wanted fame ( attention) & was willing to do it at all cost. But that’s her past I’m sure she is in a much better position now & has learned from her mistakes nobodies perfect

id: 1353094 - Text:  @1Dispretty2me  she has more than one video she admits to it. I’ve experienced her kind before, her mother is not a dead beat she clearly is working hard to support her kids and keep a roof over their heads, she may not be able to be there 100 percent of the time & give her children the attention they need and the daughter didn’t understand that at her young age as we all did at a young age understand the reason of what our parents were going through until we got older and had children ourselves. The daughter wanted & needed her mother’s attention and that broke her as a young girl & she didn’t understand to the point that she may have felt that her mother did not love her other things may have transpired but I believe her mother was doing the best she could. If that wasn’t the case the mother would have never came on the episode to clear her name of the embarrassment & lies that her daughter created. To lie about your mother’s death & lie saying your farther killed your mother is astonishing no excuse for that. That is not a small lie, that is huge so to lie about that I feel you can lie about anything.

id: 1353117 - Text: My thoughts exactly. She is downplaying such a serious situation. She said 3 months she’s been prostituting in this video but in the last one she said it’s been 3 years she’s been doing it. I don’t see her future being better and something is very off about this woman next to her.

id: 1353138 - Text: i have seen to many of these videos. something is up. she seemed more comfortable in the last video than in this one in her mom. she is probably one of those moms that front or play the perfect mom but is really neglectful or abusive in her everyday life. she isnt just running away all the way from kansas to cali from nothing at 13. i hope she is okay.

id: 1353142 - Text: I knew she was lying from the last video. 🤦🏾‍♀️ she needs help. That’s very sick.

id: 1353149 - Text: Right. That manipulative mother thinks she's slick for participating in the interview. I hope police use this video to put 2 and 2 together just like most commenters have.

id: 1353171 - Text: Poor baby, the mom keeps looking at her like tell the story right. Something isn’t right. Poor baby 😩 So sad, she’s can’t even speak as clearly as she was in the first video.

id: 1353175 - Text: Thank you and CONGRATS! to all the detectives in the comments it is helping me through this video. Thank you everyone! I hope this little girl is okay.
