31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1353462 - Text: this is really unsettling and this video feels even more falsified than the other one, I'm very suspicious of the "mother"

id: 1353467 - Text: This video made me so mad

id: 1353486 - Text: I knew she was lying in her last video

id: 1353487 - Text: It was hard to watch this video. I think the mom was having trouble taking accountability for the issue the daughter was experiencing. It seems like there might be some trauma or other things going on in the home. I agree with other comments about mom gaslighting this young girl and not letting her express her true feelings. The mom is putting blame on her for not having self love and "worrying too much" whether other people love her. It's clear the daughter was expressing that she doesn't feel love or acknowledged by her mom and her mom made it seem like it was her own problem-her own self-love. This parent doesn't understand that children get a true meaning of self love when there parents are caring and responsive to their needs. Children/kids need to feel comfortable and safe in their environment to cultivate self-love and confidence. I hope someone is watching that can support this young girl and her family.

id: 1353493 - Text: There is definitely truth in that first video, everything she said just seemed way too natural. This second video definitely seems COERCED. This hand holding is a sign of control, and trying to make sure that she keeps her in check from saying the wrong thing. This girl clearly needs HELP AND FAST!!!!!!!!!!!! Her legs are full of bruises and it seems as if she has probably been abused in some way. I'm glad that he kept highlighting her legs because they seem to tell a story.

id: 1353545 - Text:  @tsmom6264  she did! I 0layed it back a few times! And the way she's telling the mother she just "wants her there", and "my mama right here", I feel like something is, or has happened to her at home! And afterwards, the mom dropped a tear. Like maybe the mom was leaving her at home, and someone molested her! And she said she was leaving to go work doing hair for days at a time! Maybe her boyfriend, or perhaps even her dad! The mom was also squeezing her hand at times! I didnt like how the mom was trying to run the interview, and trying to ask her questions to make herself look like a good mother! And to say her and the father are the closest.... yeah ok! Her mom's entire line of questioning to her and statements made were all about what a boy is, what a man is, and I'm trying to figure out why is that the topic of conversation with your 12-13 year old daughter, instead of school, activities, etc...... The mom is so full of it! Trying to sit and look so dignified, all while in some ways, bashing her young 14 year old, very impressionable, attention-seeking (in the mom's words) daughter. I can see right through her! Yeah, something happened, and the mother is definitely aware, and has no accountability! She is so focused on "she has to work", self love, and saying this girl wants "attention!" Its probably because SHE isn't givinng her enough attention! One last thing, on a later video the little girl referenced "they" (I'm assuming cps) doesnt want her around the mother? What is that about?

id: 1353564 - Text: Labile psyche and/or psychical deviations could do exactly that. I've got a cousin with a familiar state of mind, it's mesmerising. If this smells fishy to you, you might just haven't faced people like that. I see no fake in this girl this time. Last video though, she was too joyful, wobbly and happy, clearly admiring herself in the process of storytelling. That interview is very unusual, comparing to other prostitutes's interview here.

id: 1353609 - Text: Her mother says on comments on her first video that she doesn't put her on youtube, but if you search her birth name on youtube she has posted videos online since she was like 9... One of his first videos she says "I'm 18 and I'm a DJ and own a bracelet business" and in her most recent video she says "I'm 13, my birthday is October 28th 2006" you can hear men's voices in the background, she's saying she's taking her traveling. What's happening when her mother is gone

id: 1353620 - Text: I’m from Wichita Kansas and i couldn’t believe she said she was from here! I was up lastnight watching the other video of her and now I’m just like what in the hell? So many questions

id: 1353667 - Text: the mother makes me scared through this youtube video, i cant imagine what shes been doing to this little girl behind closed doors that makes her run away so often. i really hope CPS gets involved. I have such a bad feeling about all of this.
