31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1353670 - Text: There is some therapy needed with this family. I think it's wrong to automatically assume dad is molesting her but she is acting out. She's using the word attention because mom likely has told her that she is acting the way she is because she just wants attention. The eye contact is a trust issue. I don't like to look at people in the eyes, even my closet friends. But I also have enough trust issues that I don't even look at my therapist when I'm talking to her about something that makes me feel vulnerable. If I'm looking you in the eye, I don't care what you think or I'm lying to you. Emotional neglect or verbal abuse will really change how someone interacts with someone. The only attention I ever received as a kid was negative attention - also known as getting your ass beat for being a kid. Unfortunately, I don't think this girl walked away from this without getting her ass beat. The previous video made mom look bad. And I'm betting that's why mom won't let go of her hand

id: 1353691 - Text: This child gave a hell of a believable story in the last video. When they showed her legs I was like it looks like she's been burned with a cigarette. The question is why is this happening? Like someone mentioned yes something is really going on and very off. For a child to make up a story about her parents with a straight face, therapy is very much needed. Yes, we definitely need a part 3.

id: 1353696 - Text: I know in documentaries there’s reallly not supposed to be any interference. But she’s underage! I love mostly all of your videos but the first video felt like a slap in the face to our young black culture. You mean to tell me that the police that stopped her couldn’t see she was fucking 13 or 14 or just underage period! I’m glad I saw the follow up🙂

id: 1353717 - Text: She was not lying in that video the only thing she lied about was her mama being dead & probably the age of her sister…not gonna lie I think that’s her sister in this video her “mom” could be be dead but she grew up thinking her grandma was her mom this lady doesn’t look that far apart in age her sister probably had her young this video is a whole cover up

id: 1353724 - Text: Something is not quite right here! The "mother" on here with a half shirt and looking just as lost as ever. Poor child. That first video was as fake as a $30 bill. As soon as she opens her mouth you can tell she is a child. The mother needs support as well. STOP saying she is " so mature" she is not! see if that was my child I would correct him in that aspect.

id: 1353737 - Text: I don’t know 🤷🏽‍♀️ I could be wrong but what if everything she mentioned before was true and the woman next to her is actually her sister that’s prostituting & she follows behind her because she feel that she don’t love her because she stay out there in the streets OR That could actually be her mom and her mom & HER is getting pimped out by the “dad” because she threw a shot in there saying “ even as grown women get manipulated too not just young girls but because they pimp beat them and tell them certain things they keep going back BUT I WOULDNT “ I’m just reading the video and actions something is off ! And there’s a reason for her running away as well as fidgeting and etc

id: 1353773 - Text: How is she happier in the first video and in this video her demeanor is so different. She has to have a reason why she ran away. Disgusting how the "mother" wants to profit from her child being pimped by saying "we're gonna start a podcast" like wtf

id: 1353774 - Text: It seems like the mother is cultish. From the way the mom dresses, to her talking about [good] males as 'kings'. The girl also said in the 1st interview (although most of it was a lie) that she thought God was trying to punish her when she was in a foster home or something. Where would she get that mentality from to even say something like that? Also, the mom places a lot of importance on teaching about intuition and spirituality...but what is she saying? And they both seem to put black-owned businesses on a pedestal in both videos (not saying it's a bad thing but in this context it could be a puzzle piece) btw I'm black too. But most of all, the mother is NOT LISTENING!!! She talks over her daughter and still makes excuses for being gone days at a time by comparing herself to army parents who are gone for a year. The girl clearly said that she wants attention and time and the mother is just not registering it! It's like she doesn't even want to spend time with her the way she was like "I don't really watch TV"

id: 1353781 - Text: This video is ridiculously underrated 👏 bravo, absolutely captivating

id: 1353812 - Text:  @justcallmevalentine8455  my sister was literally the same way as the girl in the video, and ppl always tried to say she’s only like that cause there must be things going on at home when their wasn’t shit going on at home literally. Idk how to explain it but for some reason she seemed attention from the wrong people for reasons I don’t understand. So when I watch this and see everybody trying to come up with narratives on what the mom may be doing makes me so mad. Cause nowadays people don’t want to except that kids need to be held accountable as well. It’s not always the parents fault. Like I’ve stated, a child could literally get the world and still turn out like chyna. Who’s to blame for that? Like imagine being the best parent you can be, giving your child a loving home, your there for her when she needs you, you give her love and affection, etc. Than, she decides to go and do some shit like this for honestly no reason behind it. And now ppl think she only did it bc your abusing her at home when it isn’t the case. I know teens out here who have the life I honestly wish I had. And they lie about their age and mess with older man or walk the balde because they think it’s fun, and the music like city girls and shit plays a part in it as well. Ppl need to learn that even though they are kids, they still can be held accountable for their actions. Ppl need to stop coming up with sick twisted narratives all the time and actually just listen, cause I promise you in most cases it rlly don’t be that damn deep
