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id: 1353852 - Text: Her daughter was floundering around sounding like a fool. I think she may have spoken up to "rescue" her from herself. The mother is clearly ashamed of the situation. I think she went there to clear some things up, straighten some things out, and move on. I'm not sure if her motivation is entirely to help her daughter, or more about protecting her image as a mother. But the girl had people thinking the mother was dead. So I don't think it's about protecting her image too much. Harmonie DOES like attention. That is very clear. Someone else posted a link to a video of Harmonie from a few years prior, and she was hamming it up talking about how she's gonna have lots of followers on YouTube. I think a lot of people are being a bit too quick to judge the mother. She apparently works a lot. She apparently traveled to California to get her daughter and bring her back home when she found out what was going on with her. She made an appearance to set the record straight with a new interview... She sounds like a mother who is stretched too thin, stressed out, exhausted from work and drama. I think she is hurting too. And who knows what kind of shit she's been through? I don't know if she's a good mom. I don't know if she's doing her best. But she does not seem like a mother who doesn't care. She seems like a mother who traveled across the country to take care of her daughter and protect her from the shit she got caught up in.

id: 1353854 - Text:  @p5eudo883  i like you standing up for the mother and, in a way, for all mothers. long live 'average parenting!' :) personally, i also find it a bit inane for people who watch these videos and comment here to take issue with a teen girl liking attention - we are the supply, after all! i prefer someone to call her a 'lying little b***h' because that demonstrates at least some real values and some soul. and why doesn't anyone say: 'i've seen worse!'? - because they both seem to still be pretty likely on this side of line and i'd hate to learn that this video closed the door for the girl to just return to normal. especially considering your nick, though, wouldn't you also agree that the vast majority of people commenting here critically overstate their certainty?

id: 1353856 - Text:  @p5eudo883  thanks. just to get this straight: i really meant the people who comment here, not those featuring in the videos. i find it almost a bit ... scary [?] ... how strong people come on here 'i'm sure she has been abused!', 'the mother is disconnected from the daughter' or whatever. not the idea but the almost violent certainty based on nothing but a couple of true crime podcasts. if someone knows them personally, for example, or has a particular expertise, that's a bit different. i guess, i find this bold judgment based on cliche not sufficiently different from bold judgment based on something like race, education or gender, all rather coarse designations that benefit from cautious handling like a useful poison.

id: 1353860 - Text:  @user-cz9rq3xf5y  thank GOD you pulled yourself out of that! Im so proud and happy for you! But this is different simply because of her mother. The mother is only concerned about clearing up the truth that Harmonie told the first episode. She doesn't seem interested in her daughter being molested. She doesnt seem to have that same concern with WHO took advantage of her daughter or raped her daughter. She doesnt seem concerned. The only things she is putting energy into is the idea that Harmonie likes attention and clearing up Harmonie's truth bc their hometown is looking at the mom funny. Also the mom is telling Harmonie to cover up certain truths. She seems to be blaming the CHILD when it is THE PARENTS' fault. More is missing from this story bc Harmonie speaks of group homes and foster care while the mom is claiming she raised them all in the same home. Shit aint adding up! She seems jealous that Harmonie is getting attention and she is not! Baby if I found out my 13 yr old sister was being raped and prostituted on fig st...there wouldn't have been no more fig st. I would have ended fig st. Even if it meant my own life being ended in the process. I grew up with an abusive dad and stepmother. I recognize what's going on. Everytime CPS was called on them (which was quite alot) we were forced to LIE for them. We were given a story before CPS arrived and we had to stick to it. I recognize all the behavioral patterns in this video. Some shit is missing. And you know how some mothers in the black community blame their daughters when they get molested.

id: 1353867 - Text: Mark goes on & on (in other videos) about how “wonderful” the mother is- smdh

id: 1353891 - Text: Wait. Huh? I saw the last video and was confused. I clicked on this hoping for answers....and I’m still....kinda....confused. This family needs help.

id: 1353902 - Text: Omg Mom!... she just wants attention and admiration. Talented and looking for Love in all the wrong placesand Adoration and maybe acceptance especially. To possibly starting an LDBTQ discussion. She said wifey in the video so perhaps start there.God Bless. Ask the question and go from there? Talk about sexuality and gender. Let her tell you and accept whatever she’s saying. Saying father is dead and being a prostitution is a big loud cry for understanding and attention.

id: 1353909 - Text: The video was buffering on the part she started talking about 6th grade and it paused on their faces and the mom has this look of holding her daughter dignity in her hand and just the look of control and the way the daughter keeps slapping herself and looking up

id: 1353924 - Text: Yeah this is fucked. All of these people believing the mom. uh no. Harmonie is tripping over her words and looking at the ceiling alot. Only reaon this video exists is so the heat is off of her so noone looks.

id: 1353932 - Text: i feel like she had a lot of anxiety in this video
