31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1354311 - Text:  @joyadedeji96  wow! Are you sure you don't have a part time gig as a private eye??🙃 This was on FB? That is crazy. The mom seems a little off....I'm not sure what to make of these two videos...

id: 1354371 - Text: i’m sorry you didn’t have that support, but you need to understand that things aren’t always simple. we are missing SOMETHING. and just because someone can pretend to be chill for a video doesn’t mean anything.

id: 1354372 - Text: There's an update on her other video. She ran away again.😪

id: 1354400 - Text: Did you watch the whole video? She's crying around halfway through

id: 1354403 - Text: True, but she may also just be a shy and reserved person. It can't be easy for an introvert to be interviewed in front of what they know will be hundreds of thousands of people. Her daughter's video had over a million views! An interview like that could definitely make a shy person act a little stiff.

id: 1354404 - Text:  @creepingstarfish  You do know she has a YT channel and post videos of herself right? She’s not shy. She’s conniving and opportunistic.

id: 1354415 - Text: What’s completely shocking to you might not be to someone else, remember people have all had their battles - just take these videos for example. Her mum might have seen things that you could never even imagine, making prostitution sound like a walk in the park, you just never know. Or, she may just be dealing with her emotions differently to you what you imagine would be “normal” in this situation. Some people are taught from a young age that emotions are a sign of weakness. This poor woman has been through enough. Ally Upde, yours is one of the top comments on this video so I can guarantee she has read it. I wish people like you would just think before commenting on how someone else is living their life. I’m sure there are plenty of things people would have to say about you if one of the most painful times in your life was broadcasted.

id: 1354432 - Text:  @squanchreb54  Just like other commenters for this video, there is something off about that so-called “mother”. She’s full of bull.

id: 1354434 - Text:  @giveme24hrs72  Stop your BS and stop making stupid assumptions based on 0 facts. You can’t back up any of your assumptions pretending to explain what that sorry mother thinks and wants. The fact is in the video, that sorry excuse for a mother created an environment where her teenage daughter ran away from AND she exhibited zero emotions or empathic response to her child explaining the abuse she endured on the streets. She constantly made it about her and ignored her daughter’s traumatic journey.

id: 1354462 - Text: Y’all need too stop assuming somebody’s whole life off of one video come on now y’all look dumb
