31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1354753 - Text: Little Harmony has always been destined for greatness and will overcome this season. God will always finish the good work he started within her. Found old videos of her on Youtube <3

id: 1354799 - Text: The mom FACEBOOK: Nina Patterson Wichita Kansas, “MTHR OF Harmonie & Lyric”, CEO at Healing Harmonie ICT, videos posts photos as recent as February 2020. Seems VERY happy. NO posts photos or videos regarding her children. Harmonie or Lyric. In a photo of herself she’s wearing the same necklace in SWU video! 😐

id: 1354803 - Text: At 9:10 She says "Because I'm A mother..." instead of "Because I'm HER/YOUR mother." They're full of bologna. Period. Likely just want Mark's money or who ever helps support people in these videos money. Either way their "acting" (aka LYING) SUCKS. This is so awkward and strange.

id: 1354826 - Text: Ok so I've watched a handful of these ..I think they are very insightful and gives the on looker a glimpse into the life of how these ppl got where they that was educational for me but watching these videos leave me with a feeling of deep sadness and therefore I cant watch anymore...I've learned a lot though...and I will definitely give to charities that are legitimate and help with child abuse and neglect...prostitution...and or drug abuse ...but currently I know that I can't watch these stories anymore as they are too heart wrenching and sad...but I will pray...and give to charity...I am unsubscribing and wish everyone true blessings...peace and love 😊💯💥💞

id: 1354849 - Text: At the 6:26 mark in the video she damn near cried begging for help from that woman claiming to be her Mom then she regained control of her terror because to fail probably means a terrible beating by that woman and her pimp. But she can't say it out in the open she was hoping he'd notice and do something however it seems that is not the goal for the guy interviewing her . Sounds like this was her best chance to get out and no one did anything making her trafficker even more powerful in her mind. This was a power move to show the young girl no one will stop them from doing whatever they want to her so she better not resist them. It is my gut feeling anyway something just doesn't feel right.

id: 1354854 - Text: I cant even finish this video. It's all weird wrong the lies the body language the mothers lack of emotions the girls mental health. This shit is crazy

id: 1354873 - Text: When the video started and I saw a child in stripper clothes, I thought this child is being exploited. As the truth came out I was shocked. It seems like this girl has to solid parents living in the home that love this girl and want to help her. I really don't know what is going on with this teen. Self destruction

id: 1354886 - Text: In the first video she mentioned having a close relationship with her parents so if nothing was really going on why would she leave? Spoiled kids don’t leave their homes. Most women who got into prostitution at a young age have been exposed to sex and/or sexually abused before they could comprehend what it was. Stop putting the blame on the child and start questioning the mother because she couldn’t even get influenced to do this kind of stuff if she was living a good life and being “spoiled”. This child literally admitted to being sex trafficked in this video too. Both her and her mother need therapy. You can tell both of them are lying about certain stuff again in this video and her mother seems to be manipulating her to lie. If you can watch this video and can’t see that something bad is going on behind the scenes you need a reality check.

id: 1354887 - Text: 7:25 Pay attention to the guy asking when she started working and the mother automatically answers and says may for her daughter. She then continues to say she’s only been doing it for 3 months and the guy tells her other prostitues who watched her video said she’s clearly been doing this for a long time.

id: 1354895 - Text: This honesty from when I started watching all these shows this has to be the scariest one of them all the girl is young she’s been trafficked and the mom is really the pimp and you can see by it she calling for help omgs this broke me😢 I feel bad for the girl and she probably has a sister who needs help omgs 😢 and pay attention to how the lady holds her hand throughout the whole video
