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id: 1355196 - Text: So she basically lied about everything in the first video

id: 1355199 - Text: No way. Kid is a pathological liar and she knows she can't make stuff up with her mom present, which causes discomfort and awkwardness. What we're seeing here is something closer to her real personality, not the manufactured 'Chyna' persona she puts on for other people. She's also visibly embarrassed about being caught out in the lies she told in the previous video. If you spend any time around kids or teenagers at all, you'll see that they typically act very different around their parents from how they act with others.

id: 1355213 - Text: I saw the first video then this one. She seems to be a very young and skilled pathological liar.

id: 1355220 - Text: In this video, she stuttered more “telling the truth” than she did in her old video. Something is off, praying for them.

id: 1355234 - Text: I sat and focused on this video and what this girl was saying and why she runs away and I can tell you when I was a kid I could not stand to be away from my mom. My mom was at home for the most part but the days that my mom would be gone all day I would call her phone constantly then stay up and wait for her in the living room close to the front door and I would try to stay up as long as I can so that I wouldn’t miss her coming in. But then eventually would fall asleep just for my dad to pick me up and take me to my bedroom. I got like that all the way until I was 22. Thankfully my mom had sisters so I had cousins. So times my mom would be out of town my brother and I would stay at my aunts house and be with our cousins, which we are all very close, so it got my mind off of my mom being gone. So I understand her when she says she just wanted to be with her mom. I couldn’t imagine being away from my mom for 2, 3 days at a time as a kid. When I was growing up if my mom started not to be around like that I probably would have turned to the wrong ppl too just to fill that void.

id: 1355255 - Text: She was reported missing about a month after this video. I really hope they find her safe <3

id: 1355270 - Text: At 10:05 it looks like she's saying "you're lying" to the mom. I haven't finished watching the video yet but this is my conclusion, she's acting up and lying because the mother isn't being a mother the mother is never there. She doesn't behave or seem to me as someone who has truly experienced tragedy, however she's lacking love which can really effect you in many ways, it's sad that she said she just wants to watch TV with mom

id: 1355283 - Text: The little girl said something that reminded me of my own daughter. She said something about doing whatever she can to not get in trouble. My 9yr old will boldly lie and can't convey why she lies. She just wants to do what she wants and not get in trouble. My daughter also feels like she can't be alone and needs to be around others (validation). I am an attentive mom and can't wrap my mind around my daughter's actions at times. We just began therapy because I feel my daughter has narcissistic traits. I also want to ensure I am the best mom I can be to her. I am quite empathetic to this video.

id: 1355314 - Text: Yes ! Have you saw the video of the lady and her pimp? It’s the only video posted on this page with a prostitute and pimp interviewed in the same video. Anyways he did that same hand holding thing !!

id: 1355320 - Text:  @trendyvideos5707  I don't get how in the age of social media & google nobody can actually confirm this child's true identity?
