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id: 1356156 - Text: This video is so odd. It’s like who do you believe ? Was she lying before or lying now ? I believe this is her mother, I seen her Facebook & she has pics & posts about her kids from waaaay before this video, I’m talking years back. However, if they’re related isn’t the issue. It’s something else about this video, feels awkward, it’s obvious this isn’t the 100% truth, who’s lying, who’s not, why is the mother so disconnected? So many questions

id: 1356159 - Text: Anyone else think the mom looks super young? And she seems a bit distant as her daughter talks about prostituting. Maybe there are boundary issues? The daughter seems to be more in charge than her mom. Wait...the mom corrected the daughter when they talked about the dad. The daughter said the dad wasn’t in the home and then the mom said he was. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ Seems like the “mom” is trying to clear up the daughter’s video. Wouldn’t the focus be on getting the daughter help rather than trying to change the previous video? If she is really her mom; the power dynamic seems all out of sorts. The daughter seems to have control in the relationship. Seems like the mom is super concerned about how the father and the family is portrayed rather than the absolute horribleness of her daughter prostituting. The mom refers to herself in the 3rd person. Maybe she is a sibling rather than the mom? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

id: 1356165 - Text: There’s a lot of red flags in this video

id: 1356173 - Text: Here's my thought and I could be wrong but I feel as though the daughter controls the house. By that I feel like she has ran away so much the mom is treading lightly to avoid triggering another runaway. I dont know what this child has endured but she craves attention and now that she has had a taste I fear it will become the go to. She even mentioned another follow up video later. The entire family needs therapy and love. I feel for the mother, it is impossible to keep a teen home if they decide to run away from home.

id: 1356178 - Text: She lied the entire other video-

id: 1356193 - Text: Its weird that the mom agreed to do the video. I would have had it removed because she is a minor and took her home

id: 1356212 - Text: I understand and feel all of you! I ran across this video as my daughter was running away. This mother and child helped me and my child. I thank them immensely for their bravery and want them to know they helped to save my daughter's life and mine too.

id: 1356227 - Text: I absolutely loved that you did this update! Thankyou because I think it will help people understand her situation more and why she lied in the first video.  Also she has a great mother and family support and so it was only fair for her to come back and set the record straight. Who would of thought that all the things she said in the first video about her family were not true.  We as the audience listened to her first story and come out of it thinking wow, poor girl, she had no chance from the start because her mother died when she was 7 and her father killed her mother etc. However to now know that her Mother is out there working to give her a better life and support her whilst her father is at home raising her and her sister when mum has to leave for work for a couple of days is actually mind blowing. Nobody would think to run away to the streets when they actually have good parents and a roof over their heads and good schooling and after school activities etc However like she said, she does it because she craves more attention from her mother which is understandable, although running away to the dangerous streets is definately not the answer. This update is a really great experience to help other younger girls thinking about running away and living that street life. Prostitution isnt the answer for young girls , you arent grown enough to handle the mental and physical aspects of such a move. Its greater than you and you are putting your life at risk in many ways. Im so happy shes okay and Mums with her and they can move on from this, and learn from it and grow from it. I think family therapy or even one on one counselling for her will do wonders. She is a smart girl and needs to focus her attention on something that will benefit her life such as dancing or track because it does make her happy. I do hope mum and daughters relationship will get closer because its strong , i just hope it get stronger and healthier and I cant wait to see her next update in a couple of months. She is blessed to have her Mothers support as well as her father and sister and she is blessed she didnt get hurt or die out there in the streets because there are a lot of sick people out there who would love to take advantage of young girls! Stay strong and anytime you feel down just talk to your mother or ask for help from a counsellor or friend etc because talking about your feelings will benefit you throughout your life, running away from your problems will not fix anything, it will only get worse and it will only prolong the inevitable . Face what you have to face head on and then move past it and continue working on your mental health because we all struggle we are all human but its the way in which we choose what to do about it that will make the difference. Love and blessings to you both xxx

id: 1356229 - Text: nothing they are talking about adds up, this lady is not her mother more like her madam' i mean shes been gone for 3 months and shes talking as if shes been gone for years and even the mother is talking like shes been gone longer then 3 months.. she learned not to yell since shes been gone for 3 months' and she keep asking are you going to run away again smh and her reason is she only ran away because her mother didn't spend much time with her.. while daddy did what? this is not a concerned mother no emotion from her or the girl for them to have " a close mother daughter" relationship .. i don't buy it just like i didn't buy the first video of hers .. what mother is so worried but yet make time to go all the way down to La and stick around for a interview 'mind you he's not far from the blade smh i just cant believe this story they are giving she lied before without a care in the world and said how much she love the attention and how shes a great actress ..why believe her this time around? this is bs i hope people learn from this made up story and get a life to do better.

id: 1356237 - Text: I think the mother saw the video as did others in her family and community. She went to retrieve the girl and try to tone down the damage to her character which is why she made this video.... I am really interested in knowing more about her dad.
