31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1357176 - Text: Maybe her mom put her up to the first video, with the intention of it being a scam or perhaps she is exploiting her for her "acting skills", so she could be discovered 🙄

id: 1357195 - Text: Early in the video she says she's from Wichita, KS...About 8 or 9 hrs on a plane. At 7:04 Mark asks if they're going back to Kansas City, they both reply yeah. They didn't correct Mark by saying, no not Kansas City, but Wichita. That's when I had enough of these liars.

id: 1357204 - Text: can someone please watch the video and tell me wtf is going on because I'm irritated already. I don't believe this lil girl lol

id: 1357221 - Text: I’m about to go watch the last video and know that she was lying the whole time 👀

id: 1357230 - Text: This is even more suspect than the first video.

id: 1357308 - Text: The young girl is soooooo manipulative!!! It’s quite scary... i was so very very shocked when I saw this title of the video! How can a child lie and say her mum got killed in one video then say in this video her mum is her twin!! The first thing I thought was mental health... because something doesn’t add up... like does she even have a child??? My guess is a no!!! If I was her mother I would be soooooo annoyed with her abnormal behaviour!

id: 1357324 - Text: Not trying to be a cynic, but I can see through BS. This woman held this girl's hand tightly and awkwardly throughout the entire video, as if she were squeezing it when the girl said too much or said something she didn't want her to say. That whole dynamic about her dad being in the household... just weird. If the man gave a damn, why wasn't he there for the interview? I hate to say it, but this woman said very little to be a disappointed/hurt mother. Your 13 YEAR OLD CHILD was prostituting!! Details given about how this girl ended up there were extremely vague. So the mom brought her out there then what? She left her? How was she then labeled a runaway? If she ran away, where did she get the money from to fly to California? The only time the mother chimed in appeared to be to clear her tarnished image and to make sure no one thinks the father is abusive. The mom's social media pages show that she's chasing money and only highlights the daughter's dancing (something that could possibly make them money). The mom appears to be the ultimate pimp here. Not trying to be judgmental, but she seems clueless about parenting. Just wondering if she asked Mark for assistance from counselors or other family service professionals.

id: 1357326 - Text: Her video hit me really hard - I’m upset and I don’t know why

id: 1357332 - Text: Wow , this one was my favorite , so many amazing take away‘ so feel it’s very relatable in the sense that it all comes down to the parents ..As parents we need to understand that kids need undivided , uninterrupted and fully present attention . I believe I read it only takes 20 min of undivided on interrupted and fully present attention for each child a day is all it takes . Doesn’t cost anything, no special plans required , you don’t even need to speak .. just being fully present , open , engaged, and understanding that when our kids are speaking or telling us something , they do not want out opinion ( unless they ask for it of course ) our kids want to be heard , excepted , unconditionally loved , and validated . They want to know they matter . Even if we don’t see our kids everyday , or can’t speak to them everyday we can still make this happen .. things like leaving them notes , filling a jar with little saying’s like “ I love you , I miss you , you matter , you’re important. Or making them a list of songs they can listen to when they need to feel like you’re there w them . So many ways to make sure your children get what they need . This will save a lot of children from taking so many bad paths and looking for “love “ and attention , children will do anything to have their needs met . The 20 min a day will literally save them ❤️that mother in the video was so great . Very cool to see ! I really loved this one

id: 1357359 - Text: But seriously if I was the father that had been accused of beating women, I absolutely would not be appearing on this video, people have careers that can be ruined by things like this. I dont see anything weird about her holding her daughters hand either, to me it felt like a comfort for the both of them, it sounds like they have a close relationship. I think people are really going in on the mother for having a daughter who clearly has a severe personality disorder. Agree, she has clearly failed here, her 13 year old was pimped! But her daughters behaviour sounds very difficult to manage and traumatic for her too.
