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id: 1358123 - Text: Am I the only one that feels this is a bit coached by the mother?? I watched her first video. I felt for her. I remember her clearly! Even with them saying she started all this for attention. Yes, children seek attention. But a young girl doesn't just run away and become a prostitute on their own for attention. They end up trafficked by someone. Also I'm not upset about her misleading us with her lies. BC I expected that. I grew up with poverty and tons of family problems. Ppl learn what to say to discuss or hide what really is happening at home. So I took what she said with a grain of salt. I'm hoping things improve for her. But I'm not confident.. BC I feel there's more happening then is being showcased

id: 1358144 - Text: I am glad that this channe was a conduit to a young girl being united with her parents. I am also glad that there was no room for man bashing when it came to parenting on this video. I hope that he gets psychological help for her addiction to attention and when she gets older, realizes that the desperate need for attention could lead to being mistreated and even death. Lastly, the talent that prevails with her is her acting skills, please start a YouTube for her and help guide her along in the acting craft. Her biggest struggle can become her biggest victory.

id: 1358146 - Text: The mom is worried about being embarrassed 🤮🤢🤢 that video got you to bring yourself to this one.. her demeanor is sickness only came to clear her name... you still abandoned your daughter dummy... non nurturing... she's needs parenting class. Take her off work.... A mom is a woman who is nurturing , protects, loves unconditionally, a mom sacrifice for her seeds... since we giving definition.

id: 1358153 - Text: Something is very off about this video. I get a very uneasy feeling.

id: 1358154 - Text: Wonderful video mark. She’s a lucky girl to have a mother that cares as much as she does. Amazing, god bless both of them.

id: 1358188 - Text: Exactly talking spirituality when her daughter need intervention. She need her mother to actually be a mother. Talking at her thinking she's pouring knowledge in her head. Her mom is an A class neglectful parent with some severe borderline personality disorder, codependency issues all the way around fed-up. Coming on this video with her clown attire as if this isn't serious. I don't know if they're doing this for clout which will be more disturbing or we just watched some screwed up people. The wooden necklace and African garb talking about all this king and boy stuff was completely idiocracy. She sounds like Nick Cannon saying irrelevant stuff on something she doesn't live.

id: 1358189 - Text:  @Theblackbumblebee  tell me about it.. im a lifecoach it's very clear that it was to clear the smudge of family embarrassment. If dad was so present then he for sure should of showed his support in this too. Every pimp would know my name is I was a Dad. I'm upset at this one because she's too busy trying to coach self love when CLEARLY THE LOVE SHE'S SEEKING IS MOMS... smh but she ignores her even here and says she seeks attention YES YOURS.... she 13 she looks at does what a 13 year old does just in case she thinks babygirl is abnormal. Your daughter has been away for 3 months PROSTITUTING... maybe she should look at the adult prostitutes video to here the treatment and dangers that happen. She needs a mentor.. ill be that if need be. But mom afrocentric has nothing to do with LIFE AND MOTHERHOOD

id: 1358193 - Text: So did mom see the video and come in to correct?

id: 1358198 - Text: Yeah I’m not a medical doctor but I wasn’t born yesterday, there’s No way a mother that works and is away is going to be so calm and cool about her child being 13 running away to the “blade”?! Prostituting herself while her moms working and does it for attention? Something else is clearly wrong with this picture, liar or not there’s a lot of background baggage or story behind this in between the gaps, I feel like she could have been like scared straight or something, if rules or something was put in place from the beginning to entertain harmony or keep her occupied knowing she works a lot or all the time make sacrifices for ur child u hear her say she just wants her mother to be around and do things with her, this is just crazy only 13 and has sold her body for money etc... wow this girl is a huge complete manipulative liar I didn’t see the first video when I saw this I paused it and watched then came back and wow is all I can say! I think she needs counseling & therapy for her to need attention to the extent of what she’s done and doing for attention. Whatever the case GOD BLESS YOU MARK for giving her the interview she blatantly lied on constantly bcus in the end it brought her mom back in her life/reunited. That’s what’s important you’re such a blessing Mark thank u for what u do!

id: 1358204 - Text: This video gave me a headache and left me soooo confused
