31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1358223 - Text: This is a child that wants love and wants to be recognized for the brilliant being she is, but she says "I wanted attention" to express "I want love, I want to be seen, I want to be valued." I don't know the family dynamic, but it seems her mom loves her and gives her what she needs, but maybe not in a way that Chyna understands or values. It seems like running away is her way of hitting the mom right where it hurts or letting her mom know that no one can control her. Chyna doesn't seem afraid of doing things where she could potentially hurt herself, in order to prove that point. (I'm saying what the video makes me think about, but I don't know her or how she really feels.)

id: 1358236 - Text: She is really pretty. Looks way better then the first video !

id: 1358237 - Text: Wow!!! I had been wondering how this young girl was ever since watching her first video...her story stuck with me.. I’m so so glad to hear that her life at home was not how she made it out to be.. Truly sad though that she ended up meeting a pimp and living that life for the time she did... I praise and admire her bravery for coming forward with the truth... that is never easy... most adults I know would not be able to do what she has just done... Facing life and it’s various issues honestly and without self-deceit is the heart of good character... there is great power in truth... I truly hope this experience helps her to grow into the best version of herself❤️... Her mother seems to care soo much for her and I can see she only wants the best... parenting is hard and children will only understand what it is like once they are parents themselves, your doing the best you can Mom and I wish you and your family better times going forward❤️.. Please Harmonie🙏🏼 no more running away... every time you feel like running go watch these videos you made and I hope it will remind you to stay with your family. All the best to you for the future ❤️ I hope to hear your music playing on the radio someday🤗... Thanks so much for the update video Mark!!! The work you do is inspiring, educational and much needed🙏🏼

id: 1358262 - Text: What would they really get out of this video, besides the money he pays them if he even does.

id: 1358264 - Text: I think she's such a good liar because her mom(so called) got her fabricating things so well like in this video. She runs away and says she really wants to be with her docile mummy. What mom says "you could a signed up to Hollywood" when she found her prostituting in cali

id: 1358320 - Text: Yes! Wait . . what? I thought she was being raised under the same roof with both parents. How is that if one is in Kansas and the other LA? Her mom is definitely an absent parent and the fact that the original video brought so much negative attention to her MOM is the only reason she done swooped in and got that girl and then made it a point to make sure she set the record straight for the world to see in the second video.

id: 1358329 - Text: So was the mama really at work or working👀? And if daddy was at home was he strung out, playing video games or other shit he ain't have no business doing I'm lost..🤷🏿‍♀️

id: 1358331 - Text: Jordy Lunkhead Verrill 1️⃣ Your amazingly superior comprehension skills failed to explain the part about her supposedly being placed in a home. 2️⃣ Were you having a bad day or has someone hurt you so badly you lack empathy and civility? 3️⃣ Most people don’t have the luxury to sit and watch videos uninterrupted, they are busy multitasking trying to squeeze in a few videos or are in busy or loud environments and easily miss a few details. Assuming and accusing them of lacking in comprehension skills isn’t just rude it’s immature. Besides the fact we were told two different versions that are very convoluted nonlinear stories full of lies and inconsistencies. Not to mention just plain weird at times. (boys-men-kings! Men are for practicing on ...say what?!). Mom wants to start a podcast based around daughter’s experience as a 13 yr old prostitute. Sounds real healthy and safe exposing her to MORE pedos! 4️⃣ I hope you never have to go through an accident, brain trauma, stroke, tumor, central nervous system disease, PTSD, hearing loss or impairment,.. you are blessed not to have to deal with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, or a whole host of conditions that DO interfere with comprehension and cognitive issues that a lot of good people suffer through though no fault of their own. They have to try harder and life is challenging enough but that’s no excuse for you be a bully or to put them down and act like you are superior. There was no need to be rude. People were just asking questions some were just wanting to have a conversation. 5️⃣ it was nice though you added another comment trying to clear up some of the confusion about living w the dad for people. What mother says calmly “...and now you know about pimps” as if they just watched a documentary?! She was supposedly being sold how many times a night to gross pedos for months? She knows about a lot more than just pimps. Unless it’s all lies and faked. What man leaves a mother to rescue their daughter from a pimp. Wouldn’t the dad have to go get his daughter knowing real pimps don’t let their cash cows leave for any reason except death or because they sold her to another pimp? Especially a young one. Forget reading comprehension the math doesn’t add up. I’m not buying this tall tale. Do you think it’s real?

id: 1358333 - Text: Unfortunately this is a domino effect. I'm sure problems stem far beyond than we even know and acting out is a way to cope (in a messed up way). That street life can hook yeah when you're already vulnerable and looking for something. Damn...harmony just wants to be with her mom. Just the fact that she said "just watch TV" when her mom asked what she wanted to do with her..and her mom said "I've never watched TV with you before" that says alot.. and harmony is 13 already. On another note, this channel is evolving into something beautiful with these videos.. to have this opportunity to see this talk between mother and daughter hits close to home in any sort of topic.

id: 1358341 - Text: I think there are a lot of people that lie in these videos. Some are more obvious than others. I hope she finds peace.
