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id: 1358825 - Text: This little girl LOOKING FOR ATTENTION!! God bless her!!❤️🙏. It’s sad a yg girl would say such things😢💔. See I told you it was Attention she doing this! She better stop cuz she toooo yg for the streets. She will end up dead. I knew she wasn’t truthful in the 1st video tho. I guess I was Right. She NEEDS TO STOP THIS BEHAVIOUR NOW!!!! She will end up dead quickly

id: 1358864 - Text: Everyone in the comments is demonizing this mother and assuming this young lady is desperate to reveal she's being abuse or molested. I see the signs of a young woman who needs more than her mom can give but it doesn't mean her mom isn't being a parent. I've seen kids run away because they want to create a storyline of victimhood. I know that sounds insensitive but there are documentaries of this. There are no serious reoccurring issues at home but the kids just make the wrong choices anyway. I picked up the victim mentality she displayed in the first video. Saying she had to raise her siblings. Saying she cut herself a lot when she had no scars. Talking about how she has a sister turning tricks so she had to give her money for her to stop. None of it came off genuine and it was an entire video of her telling this tragic tale that would make you pity her. She certainly shows signs of an issue. But I don't think it's because of some dark story we're not being shown. I grew up in a rough environment and have BPD and comorbidities, I know if the controlling figure in my life was there trying to silence me about some greater abuse I'm running away from at home I wouldn't be grinning through the interview.

id: 1358867 - Text:  @toothfairy430   Truly unnecessary for you to slap the word racist on any comment you disagree with. Thousands of people watch this channel and comment on all the videos with truthful comments of what they see. You have to understand that to most people and most parents, seeing a mothers reaction -or lack of, about how a vulnerable teenage daughter was prostituting herself, is very shocking. Most parents would be absolutely distraught and disturbed by that and would find it hard to comprehend. But we don't see that here. And just as you said yourself, there's a lot of dismissing, which is equally as neglectful as any other form of neglect.

id: 1358869 - Text:  @lozzymagoo  this is not "any comment that I disagree with" for which I'm considering this may be racism we are seeing. Actually, I didn't make it about any comment specifically. But it is suspicious that people in general are rushing to believe that this mother is not who she is portraying and assuming that this black family is broken. The only person who has been dishonest in this series of videos is the daughter. I know as a society we want to give not only victims the benefit of the doubt, but children even more so. But it is telling how in this example we have a young lady who has lied about many things and we still believe her more than her mother who we don't have any proof of her lying. She doesn't need to display hysteria to show she is distraught with the situation her daughter is in. Either way no one knows the truth but them so this debating on YouTube is useless.

id: 1358873 - Text: Luz Cortez I’m sure he will be very careful with who he helps and he has the help of people who watch these videos ready to state facts like happened here. Thank you Mark for the follow up.

id: 1358891 - Text: HeyMsThomas FACTS! No major institution or platform is without it’s flaws. Mark has helped so many though this platform, that it’s worth the small loss. As a community, let’s continue to scrutinize the videos in a healthy manner and make this platform supportive of the intended audience-those who have lost their way.

id: 1358895 - Text: If you really think about it, Mark still nailed it. His mission was accomplished. To bring awareness to the soft white underbelly of America and she too is part of it. If she continues in this way she will be exactly who you’d wished she’d be. Telling her own real personal stories of horror. I chose to ignore chynas videos for a bit for the same reason as you but after watching, she (if this behavior is continued) will too be imbedded in the underbelly of the beast that is skid row. I do hope this doesn’t happen again but for the sake of argument, this fits the art form.

id: 1358906 - Text: Love your understanding even though she was dishonest in the first video and I love the mama, she kept it real. Such great work!

id: 1358917 - Text: The energy in this video is so off. For some reason I think Harmonie is still lying...which isn’t my business...but why come back to an interview to clear the air & have a “serious” mother-daughter talk? Also I’m confused, I thought the mom said they live in LA but then towards the end said their home is in Kansas?

id: 1358934 - Text: She 13 I saw the first video in already figured she was lying she come off as she want to be something she’s not
