31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1358984 - Text: I wish them the best BUT she is not one bit sorry she lied. She seems proud of it. We need to see the things we do wrong in order to learn and be better/not repeat our mistakes. And her mom is sad and crying and she moved on from that convo to request a new video. She keeps smiling and mom is crying!!!!!

id: 1358990 - Text: I think Harmonie is in need of serious mental health interventions. There are some serious mental health red flags, and she needs help before she ends up out there for real. She already ended up out there in the name of seeking attention and excitement. That is a seriously dangerous combination. I hope she gets all the help she needs before it’s too late. I’m more concerned about her now than in the first video!

id: 1359028 - Text: Britta Olson your so right and the real issue here is being ignored. She is a child these pimps who are sex trafficking need putting away for life cause this will effect that young girl and all the others that are being abused for life too. I love these videos they are so raw and shed light to what is going on but it seems like nothing concrete is being done to stop this

id: 1359032 - Text: You didnt watch the whole video did you?

id: 1359061 - Text: Penny Lane even if it’s a follow up of mark addressing things that he noticed in this video

id: 1359063 - Text: Penny Lane I would not say that. I am not in their house but for her mom to get in here and tell us her areas of shortcomings. I am going to assume she is just a wild kid who is not looking at consequences. I am also going to assume mom and dad are doing their best. Kids can be wild sometimes and it has zero to no reflections on their parents. I watched the first video and she said her friends are influencing her. Sad but she needs to wake up. Maybe mom can watch tv with her etc but I think this kid is a bad ass

id: 1359073 - Text: Tyisha Braggs he ain’t in the video.

id: 1359132 - Text: Wow this mother is so involved and so smart and is trying to teach her daughter right from wrong. I really really pray that this little girl changes her ways . She could go so far in life. This is my favorite video by far because you see light and not so much darkness and sadness. It gave me the best feeling to know that there is hope for some of these young girls. I wish they all had good families

id: 1359139 - Text: Man maybe it's just my OCD but I kinda feel the need to watch these videos to the end, however painful they may get. As ridiculous as it sounds it seems almost "rude" or uncaring to just click on something else when these people are here baring their souls and all their hurt.

id: 1359147 - Text: I don’t think she’s lying in this video. I’m not sure what her home life was like before all of this, but hopefully she can stay on track. At the end of the day, she’s a kid. Her jump from being a runaway to working the blade is huge, but again... she’s a kid. Kids so dumb reckless shit. I believe a lot of this is fueled by seeking attention and possibly not having enough parental involvement. She wants to feel valued and loved. You can see that she is yearning for her mother to do more with her. I pray baby girl channels her feelings in a productive way. Best of luck to them both!
