31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1359362 - Text: Proof that most listeners are outside of their depth. People want to turn into clinical psychologists until they've been had. I had to shake my head at the Madison video (the comment section specifically). It's great if you want to help. But many seemed to have this notion that because it's they who want to help, they can just swoop down, give em' a hug, lead them to help and everything is happy ever after. It's not that easy, fact is many who work with at risk youth, addicts, prostitutes will tell you it is often a thankless job. You don't make it to your twenties without at least a few people trying to reach out & help. And for every success story there are ten bad situations.

id: 1359399 - Text: Nia you didn't understand what I said, I'm going by the facts of behavior we can see on the video and not by assumptions. And by remorse or guilt I didn't meant the TV drama definition (and TV actions) you seem to have of those words but it's ok. Just hope she gets help and decide to take and keep a smart, healthy and safe life road as she's only destroying herself and the ones that love her because it's a sad truth that many women in prostitution end up being killed.

id: 1359415 - Text: Rendroc Look at the update video

id: 1359435 - Text: I knew in the first video that she was lying because there was no way that she could have graduated high school early so that she could better herself...she is smart but she is still a child and speaks just like a child...

id: 1359439 - Text: hardworkingdiva that’s what saddens me is there are real life victims out here like Kelly’s story that actually went through HELL and she gets on camera and fabricated a whole makes me not know what to believe...not saying that she isn’t a victim of something because she may be..but by her bragging about how good of an actor she is kind of upsets me because I really watch these videos and these girls have parents who really don’t want them and then she lies and continues to lie...I didn’t know she was lying in the first video for sure but I was a little iffy about it.

id: 1359453 - Text: I’m getting weird vibes from this girl. It has to be more than her mom just being at work. Then she’s lying about her family & wanting to make another video already. I’m not feeling this...I’m happy her mom got her though

id: 1359459 - Text: She seems off in this video

id: 1359486 - Text: So true. As we've seen in almost all of Mark's videos it all started with their childhood experiences.

id: 1359503 - Text: Yeah something is definitely off. I agree w/u that the mom is too calm. Like hearing 13yo daughter was out in the streets n she has no response to it. I don’t think that’s her mom and it’s taking Harmony too long to answer questions n she keep looking up in the air-breaking eye contact. Body language telling me they’re lying. Also why would Harmony be so eager now to tell the truth?? She’s too eager. And I’ve watched this video for only 8min so far.

id: 1359560 - Text: Very bery sad video, guys make sure your in your Daughters lives if you hage them and protect them as long as you are able, you brought them into this world they did not ask you for what could be a very hard life
