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id: 1360553 - Text: This is what my spirit feels Essence said In the video that she had a hater a square my take is that it was another sex worker that killed essence and shot the man in the driver seat , The trick wanted two girls essence in the front and the other girl in the backseat maybe the trick gave all the money to essence and maybe essence didn't want to split the money and the other girl wanted to get paid as well but the trick didn't want to give anymore money the girl who was in the backseat shot essence first cause essence had all the money and then the trick got out the car to be never seen again I know because I have been a sex worker like essence and situations like this happen all the time .this lifestyle is the road of destruction itself period never glorify a wicked and evil lifestyle it will always come and prove you wrong rip essence

id: 1360583 - Text: rest in peace essence. definately shed a tear after watching this and then scrolling the comments halfway through the video. damn

id: 1360600 - Text: Yeah I’m watching the video meanwhile scrolling to find of her untimely passing.. This was so disappointing :(

id: 1360674 - Text: Im sitting here off shrooms watching this whole video & it's crazy that this is our life .. i grew up in these streets of south central. To grow up & see my classmates turn into these pimps and prostitutes is like wow, it almost amazes me. Life aint easy out here & our surroundings as kids plays a big part not just what but who ! To everyone out there , we all got a beautiful souls this world just makes us see a lot of ugly things

id: 1360690 - Text:  @countdooku1610  Her sisters commented on this video saying that she was shot to death on April 19th..

id: 1360714 - Text: I would really like a update on this story how, and why if could be answered. It's like someone watched this video and took her out or something just strange. But 🙏🙏's to her family. Sadly these young girls be smart and don't do shyt with it and end up loosing there lives to streets. She was selling herself but women who sleep around and get nothing for it it's the same concept.

id: 1360735 - Text:  @sciencenotstigma9534  if her death had NOTHING to do with her lifestyle, I apologize for inferring that it was. However what she is saying is in this video is untrue, and it is important that people understand that there is ALOT of risks and damaging impacts from this lifestyle. The way she played it down as if the worse that can happen is getting in the wrong tricks car is a very naive and damaging message. That's what I hope people can take away from my comment. I do honestly have a hard time believing that her death had absolutely nothing to do with her lifestyle, but I could be wrong. I was unable to find out further details about the incident and I would love to cuz she touched my hearr. But when you are in that lifestyle, every choice and move you make revolves around your lifestyle. Most pimps or working girls (who are actually putting in work) will tell you that. It's a 24/7 job. Every task they do is revolving around their lifestyle. It could be getting drugs/alcohol so you can stay up and work, and get the courage to do their job. Could be going to the store to put money on a prepaid debit card so you could post an ad online. Could be going to the hotel so you can shower and make some money, etc When you're in this lifestyle and you're putting in work, everything you do revolves around the job. So maybe her lifestyle had absolutely NOTHING to do with her demise, but it doesn't seem very plausible to me. If you have any other information surrounding her death, please feel free to provide it.

id: 1360737 - Text:  @sciencenotstigma9534  that vague description of the events surrounding her death doesn't prove anything. I have seen the comments left by her sister on this video. But I didn't see any statements explaining who killed her and why. I could be wrong, as I said. However, I stand by my point that she was wrong AF to downplay the severity of the lifestyle she was in. whether or not her death was DIRECTLY related to her lifestyle or indirectly related, I know for a fact that "the worse that can happen" is NOT just getting into the wrong tricks car. And getting into the wrong tricks car shouldn't be downplayed either, as it CAN and DOES lead to murder quite often.

id: 1360763 - Text: it's crazy how the world works !!!!!as painful as her story is, her family would have came to closure "if they ever do"with somany unanswered questions but this video probably will be played over and over by her family.The can now come to there closure with confidence that she died where she wanted to be

id: 1360782 - Text: I'm watching this BECAUSE she was referenced in a newer video. At 13:15 when she talks about her biggest fear -- it really hits me in the heart. It really kills me to think "what if she turned her life around, but we'll never know"
