31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1363292 - Text:  @ladyjadelindia  This is such an ignorant comment. You cannot determine who a person is or what they’ve been through based on a short video. People are complex and deal with trauma in different ways. Hope you reconsider your statement

id: 1363385 - Text: Please improve the sound quality of your videos, you can barely hear the questions. You guys need microphones on both the interviewer and interviewee

id: 1363425 - Text: seems a little sensationalizing, the title at least. Jesus christ, videos like this should be made by fellow working ladies or through a more interesting lense then just, "tell us about the horrors of your life"

id: 1363435 - Text: Audio sound is very poor in all your videos

id: 1363571 - Text: Sango Moon you’re absolutely right.. I went on to see other videos he’s posted and saw that he’s done the same for others..thank you for clarifying and giving me new perspective 🙏🏼

id: 1363583 - Text: I love these types of videos but I like to.know what causes ppl to go on drug I would of liked to known what was her opinion why she started drugs, since she came from a very good home. Like she stated

id: 1363625 - Text:  @tonybalony1811  well, everyone has its own perspective.. I think he wouldnt ask it in front of camera and post a video if he meant it THAT way.. He is trying to lead a conversation as good as he can so we could find out more about those people lifestyle... Imo

id: 1363700 - Text: He’s a photographer. Watch his introductory video.

id: 1363711 - Text: Chanel belt makes the video😂

id: 1363731 - Text: @J H holy shit, I just watched a sad video and was thinking that is somebody's daughter and that's what I posted. If you dont like it then dont post anything and just move on to the next video. After watching that video you focus in on that of all things?
