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id: 9266 - Text: I used to recreationally use cocaine and facts. Cocaine gives me weird sexual urges that I do not exactly have or atleast not as vivid when sober. He reminds me of one of my friends who just couldnt control recreational drug use. He now smokes cocaine/crack and you can tell

id: 9267 - Text:  @alwayssorry346  Yeah same thing with me an Adderall. I never used to watch porn and then with the huge dopamine rush it makes me into sexual deviant, same is this guy in the interview. Superchargers your sex drive, so now AMphetamines and Sex are linked together now in my brain

id: 9410 - Text: This sounds HIGHLY addictive. I’ve never heard of anyone talk about crack like this especially comparing it to the sexual fantasy. He’s in deep but I feel like he still has a chance

id: 9471 - Text: My ex was a lot like this guy..... especially after taking a hit, wanting sex immediately and not be able to...but it was my fault. Crack is a useless drug (I mean, they all are, but crack is especially useless). It's an instant of euphoria, ten seconds. Until the next hit. I cannot imagine where I'd be right now if I'd had a good job when I was smoking crack. Phew. I really, really hope this guy gets to a point when he's like, no, I'm done. This level of honesty bodes well for his recovery......though he seems to know his cycle pretty well. Man, Patrick. You're a helluva dude. I hope you can get out of this.

id: 9496 - Text: So crack turns people into sexual predator demons. He has so much potential!!!!

id: 9542 - Text: really feel for him. I hit the crack pipe for first time at 42. All the things he shared are so true. Its the combo of the drug and the sex, hard combination to break. Chased that combo, crack and then leaving that for meth, last longer. Chased the drugs and the sex for 24 years. Patrick, if you read this, thank you for your honesty. If we could ever connect, i could help you. Don't give up, you are not unique in your problem. Felt like the biggest piece of .... for all those years. Like you, i was able to keep my good job, look normal most the time when not disappearing. You can overcome,

id: 9588 - Text: This guy has to get clean because he has too much going for him if he isnt doing crack. Maybe he has a sex addiction that led him to the crack? Just sad. SO SAD!!

id: 9641 - Text: So much if this guys story is me. So much. Not crack and sex workers. But that sort if normal life and you try and act like a binge is normal and go back normal then just say oh F it. But I got sober about his age. It can be done but it takes a ton of work and reaserch into the kind of treatment facility that works for you. They aren't all the same and some are very damaging. Also the facility is just a jumping point real work starts with you. And omg. This guy really touched me. I was molested by a woman and for some reason you feel it doesn't count. I felt that when he was like well yea I was kind of molested. Great interview and I usually won't listen to the trick ones becuase I have 0 sympathy for them. Hope he can find his way.

id: 9643 - Text: Apart from the dark twisted sexual fantasy he has with the drug, I pretty much understand everything he said about crack,.. Except it's also heroin, anphetamine,Xanax,... Whatever but predominantly crack and heroin I'm 26 years in but functioning.. I feel his pain

id: 9660 - Text: It hit me in the soul when he said he’d been smoking crack for a little while and “finally hit it right.” I wish I would have smoked after the first 7 or 8 tries, when I still didn’t really know why people do it. I can relate to so much of what he said. There’s also the part about being a female on the scene with all these hypersexual males. Females get almost the same way, but they don’t get that roid rage type sexual aggression. No matter how high I was, I wasn’t attracted to random aggressive males. My man, for sure, and things got heavy. But a lot of these thirsty dudes won’t even sell to a woman without her providing favors. You want to get high but you don’t want to deal with sadistically sexual men or tricking with paranoid men. I would do dates but not let them know I smoked but if my man wasn’t with me when it was time to pick up, things got rough. For women, it’s a really degrading scene. I never cheated on my man, either. I always told him everything I went through. But he’d always think I’d gone with some guy for free cause I was high if I took a shower before I came home. That’s because he would act like that when I was gone! But I’m not mad at him. That’s how it hits men. I continued in that whole scene so he wouldn’t go on his runs with other girls cause if I was there he was good. Then it became my own problem! Thank G_d we’re both clean now & all that’s behind us! We’re both totally different people.
