58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 9668 - Text: Hey Patrick people can say find Jesus the Lord saves. You also talked about being in teen challenge. If you believe pray against that spirit of addiction ( sex and drug addiction). You have already confessed to us things. Tell it all to the Lord. He will take it away. But you have to ask with your whole heart. He does save because He saved me. ❤️ Also pray for the armor of God from Ephesians 6:12 Also let the Holy Spirit know it is welcome.

id: 9676 - Text: He seems to not be able to control himself sexually when he's high; I hope he doesn't hurt anyone.

id: 9680 - Text: This guy being molested by the young girls (who were innocently also taken advantage of by someone) affected him greatly. I believe that IS the reason for his addiction and issues. Confirmed to me when he said when he's binging on crack he gets these deep sexual fantasies and said he watches porn only while smoking crack. I think if he got therapy for the molesting, it could greatly help him. Hes a nice, intelligent good guy.

id: 9708 - Text: Remember though, he said it's a turn off if the girl isnt into it. So if he realized that, he would likely stop. Whats scarier to me is the people that are watching rape and forced sex porn. What the hell would they do if on crack?

id: 9732 - Text: Sad AF , I had a friend who did the same thing. Crack addict with access to more than enough money. Did the same thing sexually in his car with hookers, smoke while he gets a bj in the back seat, go on week / 2 week disappearance s .Had it all , beutiful person inside, also like 6'4 movie star looks, I looked up to him as he was a lil older than me,and my friends older brother.Miss him, RIP . RDT

id: 9749 - Text: Wow, this dude is straight up grinding his teeth so hard. He is on a binge for sure. This is so sad. He is clearly nice looking and intelligent. I hope he sees this and gets help. Seeing this is a bit triggering for me. My brother smokes crack and at 50 yrs old he is still using at times. Prostitution, hyper sexuality and crack/meth is all tied together, unfortunately.

id: 9768 - Text: He’s a sex & drug addict. Tell on your disease in the rooms everyday.

id: 9773 - Text: He talks as if he's the worst human with the worst addiction but he's not at all. Just a human and what even is worst about it. Not being dependable? Is pressure put on yourself. Acting shamefully? Is pressure you imagine on yourself from others. He says people have it worse but when he started at the start about his parents he was audibly sensitive about it, and then later brings up his sexual experience too young. Shame is a bugger as a human feeling and stuff like that happening, you never think of yourself as being a victim of anything, but it's the effects that are why it's not good for us. It messes with our adult life and approach to shame so much, including indulging in shame and self-hatred at the same time sometimes. Experiencing that event so shortly before a massive family event of parent divorce, I wonder if there's an association he has of blaming himself as many a child will do in those situations and the sexual events that affect self-esteem and concepts of shame, to have ended up with such strong self-conviction that what he does is so terrible. Talking so frankly to us I don't feel any will myself to consider anything he talked about as shameful. I believe in God and forgiveness but some regular counselling might help. Getting to the roots and unpicking them. However that sort of thing works. I mean I've had some counselling and group therapy for comepletely different issues, and they are only one part in hopefully improving your life, but I wish he could have these things suggested to him at least for his smart brain to process. I'm highly smart too and/or was as a kid but no-one teaches you about or how to handle shame when you're growing up or even as an adult. It's like maybe no-one even knows how.

id: 9839 - Text: Crazy how people have more respect for this man then the escorts or pimps but as an escort y’all don’t realize these guys pressure drugs on escorts as well as manipulate more then anybody in the business the worst part of this business is the clients💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 don’t sit and be fooled and totally trash the sex workers this is why society fucked up now

id: 9842 - Text: Childhood sexual abuse. Their trauma is no different.....sadly he still minimizes it.
