31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 13313 - Text: These videos really make you think how awful this world is. I'm so glad I didn't bring any children into this world. How I managed to keep the pedo's away as a child I'll never know. I think it was because they wanted me to agree and luckily I didn't meet anyone that forced me.

id: 13362 - Text: " I miss my cat more than I do him." 😄😂👏👏. Pamela, 99% of us watching this video aren't even on drugs or prostitutes and we can totally relate! Lol. 🙌 Be well warrior, praying for you.

id: 13364 - Text: Recurring theme in ALL these videos...bad parenting or no fathers

id: 13408 - Text: I have watched many of these videos over the last few months, and the only way to "save" many of these lost and down trodden people is not on a macroscopic level, with politicians and public policy and the BS that entails, but one soul at a time. I guess the challenge is by what means. These videos Mark produces is one way to get closer to that. It gives those of us looking in from the oustide a perspective which is the foundation of it all.

id: 13466 - Text: When he asked the ? Do you still use today,,she said 'I chip'?? At least I think that's what she said,,,what duz that mean?? 🤔 sry 👋 everyone, I realize this is an old video so I may not get a response,,that's ok,, just curious

id: 13479 - Text: Best to Pamela... I m only a bit older and cannot fathom being on the streets and without reliable shelter.... Thank you for your interesting videos. A soul should not be for sale imo

id: 13480 - Text: When this video started, I had a gut feeling that Pamela was about my age. Sure enough, she is. What an awful hand of cards she was dealt. It's just not fair.

id: 13495 - Text: You should do zoom videos with people who can't fly out or don't live on skid

id: 13532 - Text: 55, when she made this video

id: 13545 - Text: The crystal meth addict video...Buffy, I think is her name...she looks a lot like this woman. I almost thought it was the same person.
